Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Logs 21/7 part 3

some logs back to JO32 in NL
6295  Reflexxions Europe 2041  with religious talks , fair
6870  CNR ? 2043  OM with talk s in CC  2043  music>>>>   Jammer against SoHope per eibi
4835  R Australia 2045 with talks by OM in English  S7
7475  RL 2054  + 57  with S10  max  here orS3 in NL  and jazz music with talks  in Russian  on 57 . ON 2058  string S20 signal covers their signal continuing the program  of RL from a 'new' transmitter
7460  RFA in Korean  S9 in NL , S7 in THS

more logs in my QTH using R75 + 16 m inv V antenna
9835  R Sarawak with nice ballad  2111  S5-7 2119 with Qur'an.  This and more info you can find in my book
25 years Malaysia a survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gpfor  Look at the end on how to buy the book
9830 CNR 2  21220 with  trad  CC  songs QRM 9820
9820  CNR 2 2124   local time 05.30 @2130 UTC ads , "xindi zhezhen" as ID  x 3 times 2137  and  Chinese song of western 70s  time
9395  Global 24 2324  only S3 but nearly no modulation  and QSB 2
4765  Tajikistan 2333  with trad song , man with  talks over a trad musical background  news ??S9
4980 Xinjiang PBS 2336  talks by YL mixed with background music
5024  Rebelde  2338 OM with talks  in Spanish S7 QRM 5023  FSK50
5060  XJPBS CC 2340 talks by man then discussions with YL S9
11760  RHCuba about tech adventures 2346   in Spanish S5-9 , happy birthday song
7570 ???  someone in the freq  with S5 max with religious program noting related 2351 in the  Eibi
7730  WRMI  2352  OM in Spanish  S7
7580  CNR jammer 00000  against ?? with S9 level
7205  XJPBS 000004 with  news S7
4850  XJPBS  Kazakh  0007  with news S9
4500  Xinjiang PBS 0013  with talks by YL in Mongolian ? 
3985   R 700 0018  with German songs  S5

How to buy the book . as only a few pesons responded in a 100+ hits on the page that they could not  download it it  . i advise you the way you can

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New logs 21/2 part 2

New logs 21/2

Logs  in OE4XLC  checked with my QTH  using my tablet   on 21/1
7235    1940 with religious program S40 in RU    S20  in my QTH >> IBRA  in DY (??)
7225  RL in Russian  1942 S8 in Ru  but overloading , S20 in THS !!
7215 CRI in ?? 1944 S40 in RU but only S8 in THS   >>Cantonese ??
7205 on 1946  S9 in THA  but on the Russian SDR the signals are overloaded , quite difficult to be listened

and dont forget   to look into  my new e-book 25 years Malaysia a survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp Any one buying and reviewing it  will be  added  into a special chapter as reviewers

logs on   WebSDR   in Miami crosschecked with my  QTH's system on 21/2

9935  ERA 1950  S10  ,  my QTH at s9 and with qsb (fading )
9980  ToM  1952 with relig talks  S10 in USA
10051U Gander R 1954 with  weather reports  and S9  in my qth  with s3 with 0.5 secs before the  websdr
9915  BBC  1957 wild talks , mixed with drums then YL into adverts under background  drum sounds S8 but S9 in THS  ID
9870  SABC  S Arab  2001  with ID  S7 signal but quite poor regarding to  the local  QRN  system
9745  CRI Esperanto 2203 S7  but worthless  Heere with S9 and very clear
9620  REE  at S10  , same here on 2006
9565  R Marti 2008  with prg 'Cuba de las humanas'  ID  S10  in USA  no thing here
9505 R Australia ? 2010  S20 in USA S7  here
9475  WTWW  2011  with  religious prg  S20 there nothing here that  time
9395  Global 24 2013  about civilization   in N Africa  S?
9370 WWRB  relig prog S20 in USA A station in Jap here  though VoA Korean is stated  in Eibi wth S3
9265 WINB 2019  mentioning Yahusua (Yahweh??)   S20 in USA S3 here 
7675 15140 R S Oman 2022 with talks in Arabic ,  audible only in MI!
7675  ...2035  spur? OM with talks in  Eg  using Am mode S7 in MI

Τετάρτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

New logs 21/2

 New logs 21/2 
using R75 and 16 V

9835  RTM S 1640 with pop songs and of Shidee’s  jangan menghancurkan  Abt S3 QRM  9840  Svoboda (RL Russian ) And dοn’t forget to but  at my new e-book  25 years Malaysia a survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp
9830  CNR1 1701  with nice  music  S3 //4800 S9
9810  1706  men talking in a lang that seems  as Farsi S10  >> BBC Pushtu . the short in between  audio clip reminds me a bit AIR''s filler
9940   1709  talks in Bamar S5 >>RFA
9935  ERT open 1720 with news  about the  EEC  Greek negotiations for the lengthening of the existing memorandum . IN between sports program . QSB 2 S8
9870  Vivid Bharati 1726 with Bollywood oldies . Mixed  with SABC S Arabia S9 mostly winning against SABC
9850  VOIRI  1731  in Bosnian News abt Iran  treble-y (sharp audio ) S10
9730 V o Viet 1734 with talks in Viet   S9
9720 RFA  in Korean 1738  with  talks and discussions S3
9685  in Hausa  with discussions talks by OM and YL  S? >>> CRI
6385 pirate 1746 talk by man in dutch laughing and mentioning 10 kW (is his  transmission power? ) with underground rock music  1751  s off
6260  CVC in Hindi 1752  with talks  by YL Seems somehow  with low mod S9
4810 V o Armenia 1759 with talks by YL . S off 1800  and  back on 1900 in arabic and   S10
1888  with  weather reports in Italian 1813  s   off
49520 1920 with just a carrier, no mod as far as i can check  S5-9  max QSB2  Possibly  Angola?
5450   Volmet  1926 in English

Κυριακή 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Logs in home 17/2

Logs in home  17/2 using DE 808 , De 1103  , R75 and 8 m antenna in a rather clear noise environment 
6095 CRI 1529  in Eng with ID  Good  60 db   (display levels)
6075 CNR 1530 talks Good 60 db
15825 WWCR 1539 ID CROW fair 29 db
15155 AWR Oromo or ‘afar oromo’ as heard with religious program & amen 1732 good  60 db
15140 Oman 1735  Arabic  song fair 35 db

and dont forget to buy my new ebook Malaysia 25 Years Survey    http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

6110 ViRI 1742  talk in Russian fair
6130 poss PBS Xizang 1746  nice music with flute fair
7240  CNR 2 1748  ID poor
7510 on 1750 with discussions in unIDed lang fair >>> Ibra silte
7495  VoA  Deewa 1801 ID by YL in news abt Afganistan ,ID gain on @06  Fair //7455  fair also
9850 IRIB ? 1816 in Serbian  many mentions of turkey Erdogan  and ME countries  fair , poor audio  >> IRIB in Bosnian
9420 ERTopen is still on the freq on 2143 but with poor to medium signals //9935 prg : News seems  from the news of 2030 from ERT-3 (I heard the voice of my primary school mate ChS )
9745 Bahrain 2147 with nice and clear signal  (free from QRM )
10050U Gander R with weather news  fair
9805  CRI ? 2229 lang  seems  Tagalog  . very poor 
9835 RTM S  is not audible in this antenna but you can read more in my e-book  Malaysia  25 years research http://goo.gl/Pi87gpfor
11665 NHK  in Japanense 2232  with classic  music , poor co channel QRM by WAi FM
11780 RN Amazonas 2235 music  YL wit talks  in PP . msx  that seems as  Greek but station mixed  with another
11830 VoiRI 2237  OM with talks in Indo , poor audio after 223830 no modulation
11880 RHC 2241  OM with  ham radio program in Eng (is him Arny Coro? ) abt an anniversary  and R onda corta exterior  fair
11910 NHK 2244 in JJ  with mentions of  Japanese cities by YL , fair  Strong QRM  by 11915 BSKSA local signal so that only LSB can be used

and dont forget to buy my new eBook Malaysia 25 Years Survey    http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

Special USA n 22+
9365  fair to good
9350  2215 poor 
9370  ToM 2215 poor
9395 global 24  2219 poor

Σάββατο 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

...Masquerading... logs. 22/2!!

Using HF150 Lowe and 8 m antenna into a way different logs this time with deliberate errors and different way of thinking …. Good  carnival to anybody !

 15120 Nigeria 24 with lively folk songs  0659 good signal but poor audio
9420  ‘102 FM’  Macedonia  IS ID 0700 with advert of a leftisit newspaper having from now  the local edition of Charlie Hebdo   , then other adverts. was waiting to  hear the news  but ert did nt air except this time
15185   CR marginal under full  QRN , or possibly  radio’s internal noise , hearing only the stations ID and a few words in Enlgish  then the signal  faded out into the nose

15300  RFI Arfica 0715 mentioning their web address with quite poor signal that made …..splatter  to 15 khz

11725  RNZ Internal ? 0718-22 quite strong to be heard only using …..Am narrow band . YL with talks in Eng then with songs  some of them were …..stupid

And dn’t forget to buy  my new ebook  25 years Malaysia a survey http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

Πέμπτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Fast Web DSR Logs 17/2

Fast band scan   Logs 17/2

Using Web SDR in DK  -
9935  ERT open with talks in  Greek 1047 S9
9980  ??? OM talks in CC 1048
9830 CNR 1049  good
11635  CRI in Eng 1049  S20
11630 CNR? 1050 music Fair
11580 B Stair  1050 fair
21510  IRIB  1051 talks in Eng good
21580 Kuwait 1052 nice ballad S9
13700  CNR Uighur talks 1050  S2
21670 BSKSA in Indonesian 1052  this and many other favs ca be found in my e-book   http://goo.gl/Pi87gp
13570 IRIB  1053 in  AR S30
13610  CNR CC 1054  S9
13630 CVC Hindi  songs  1055 S9 

Using  Web SDR in USA
6030 Cuba 1142 talks S10
7290 a LA style song on 1141
7260 CRI  in Jap 1142 S9
7410 ?? 1144  songs S9  >>>CRI Pilipino  (??)

Using Web SDR in Volgo  RUSS
7245  Tajik R pop songs 1147  S7
7210 CRI  in Esperanto 1149 CC  lessons 
7270 VoV? Seems as Russian  1151 S9 but marginal due to high noise
6150 Europa 24 with news and ID  on 1200 and 1215 and songs  S9

Τετάρτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

valentine's logs #2

Logs Valentine day using Web SDR in DK

4820  Xizang PBS CC2024  with nice CC music QRM  S10
4835  Australia in very clear background 2024 music S7
6200 Xixang pBS 2052  talks in TB S9
68812 very poor pirate from ??  2213
7205 ?? in French S2 RFI per Eibi  
7570 VoK 2028  in French , under ti with Korean talks  S20
11500  ?? in ENg S20 religious
11730   2036  web address  BLR?
11735  Tanzania 2036  audio on off problems S10
11760 RHC 2038  with music S9
117634.2 SRDA 2042  with  talks  S9
11780.5 Amazonas 2242  talks  S9
11815 not in freq
11840  VoA 2044  in French S30
11855  RJ 2247 in French S10

And don’t forget  to download my new  ebook Malaysia 25 Years Survey    http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

Τρίτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Valentine's day logs

Valentine’s day logs

Using HF150: 
9575  Medi 1  0655  pop songs  QSB 3  fair
9590 CRI  0657  wave lengths in AR  local signal
9790  RFI  0700  apk and Facebook  accounts  Good
7310  R 700 0705 with old rocks   fair

Logs valentine’s day using Web SDR in DK
9835 RTM –S    good usign Wide AM 1953   !- QRM  9830 VoK  More on Malaysia in my new book Malaysia 25 Years Survey    http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

15105  BBC 1955  talks in Hausa? S30
15190 Inconfidencia S9  1957 adverts music
15345 RAE Spanish 1958  fair
9840  WHRI  S10  with I D s off 2000 KBS Arab  S30 after a  minute
9845  CNR S10 2001
9975  VoK with human 2002
12160 WWCR  S10  rock songs
12105 WWTW 2204 Spanish .,music talks  S10
12095 BBC 2205  with news  S30
12085  VoA 2206  with nees S10 max
12065  CRI ?? 2207 news S20
12030 REE in eibi 2207 discussions in SP S8
11995  RFI 2208  in French S9 max
11940  RE 2208  sports prg S0
6280  CNR  S7 max very poor  2211
6250  Echo Unification in Korean QRM with FDM carrier 2212

Σάββατο 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Logs local 13/2

9835 RTM S 2030 S3 good with ballad song VoK in AR QRM from 9830 read my e-book for more $5 http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

9870 SABC 2032  with arbic song
4800 CNR1 2035  with talks in CC  S9
4750 CNR???  2036 too poor for identifying lang S3
4930 VoA? 2037 with pop song S4
6295  pirate 2039 with rock song  S3
6185 CRI 2044 talks in AR  S7
6000 CNR 1 2044 exact//4800  with talk in CC S5
7385  Xizang PBS 2115  with Tibetan music songs and short talks in TB  by OM and YL traditional Tibetan on 2144
7290 CRI  2212 prg in Korean mixed with CNR S7
11580 ToM via WRMI 2214 bumping signal at S10
11550 WRMI 2219 talks abt Barrack Obama S10
4820  Xizang PBS CC with nice chinese pop (western type )melodies S7
15610 WEWN 2238  talks in Eng Poor S2
6930 pirate 3339  with song o Elvis S7
6950 pirate 2300 old pops S3

11665 WAi FM 2305 with music dangdut type  MIxe with other station Please look my ebook  for more info http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

Παρασκευή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

SW logs via JO32KF in DK 13/2

9835  RTM S in Germany 1905 via JO32 KF with fair signal S10 with strong QRM from 9830 V o Korea? 1918  yang tersayang with Amelina& Iwan   S20 More on this station as well otehrs  ion mlaay in my book http://goo.gl/Pi87gp
98995 R Taiwan  in French 1915 in huge signal S9+40 with ID  and song
9905  R cairo 1916 in a very bad mod and S40 signal
9940   TWR with religious music 1917 alleluia S9+40 prg Lingala
9915  ?? with HoA song . man in Amharic . Arabic after 1720

9315 a digital non Drm signal stopped 1924  Audio is here  and below is a screenshot with the white  bar. what type of signal is that ? 

9370 RFA in korean 1932 with S20 signal and phone in reports
9390  R Tailand  in english 1933 , self advert  with talks and music background 1934 busines prg S40
9425  VoKorea in German 1936 with S10 signal  
9455 CRI jammer at S25 over RFA on 1937 

151900  Inconfidencia 1940 at S7 with talks in PP and music

15345 R Argentina 1942 with nice pop music  S10 
15460  ??  1945 does not seem as VoIran , English is very good signal only S9
15610 WEWN , 1946  tals in Eng S9
157170 B stair via WRMI  1948 the known pastor in relig talks S10
17800 AWR in Fulfude 1949 S10 relig talks
17790 PAB radio USA in english 1950 relig talks S9
5820 RTE Dublin 1952  talks in Eng S20

Δευτέρα 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Logs 9/5 & 10/5 comps remote-local

Logs 9/5  using HF150 + 8 m (bands beloe 13 with strong local Qrn )

9470  TWR 1500  IS then prg in Russian Good
9435 CRI in English  weather  1503  good
9425 VoK? 1507 operas fair
9400 Denge Kurdistan 1510 talks Good
15105 1617  relig program m talks in unIDed lang  good >TWR Kirundi
15265  VoA 1656 in Swa with talks and music clips Good 1657
15335 BVB bible voice 1728 in  Amazir dialect  (listed as Amharic )ID then IDS  with address in Ontario
155701 Vatican radio 1739 Africa News panorama , abt Ivory Coast  Good
15610 EWTN 1755  with prg in Eng  trebly , poor
15620 VOA 1759  stringed afro music , ID in Eng s/off
15825  WWCR-2 1801 man in relg talks , music , fair , trebly
15105 RFI Africa in French 1806 abt Ivory Coast
74180 Payam E Dhoost  1836 in Farsi with talks Good  S/odd 1845  QRM FSK
7455 Deewa R 1847 1847  ID AS Deewa , phone in wih man singing over the phone Good
7385 Xizang PBS? 1866  with song and  fair  signal . Suden s/in CRI in Italian on 1869 but on 1900 with Albanian prg
9835  RTM –S 1904  very poor . You can find also some info abt Malay  prgs  on my new commercial  book Malaysia 25 Years Survey   ($5) http://goo.gl/Pi87gp  (now with more free open text  to read before you buy! expecting yo to buy this book)

and for   10/2 with remote / local comparisons

via Sydney GT 
15120  R Nigeria 0721  theatre like prg  Fair over hi local QRN S20 in Greece
15230 AWR in Arabic  fair . S20 in Greece

from NL JO32F  web-sdr
17520  CNR in CC 0730 fair S9
176200 CNR 2 in CC  0732,S9 NL , S1 GRC
17770 R Liberty in Russian 0735 S10 in NL S5 in GRC
19010 R Liberty 0750 in Pushtu   S9 in NL , S7 in GRC

Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

16 Mhz pirates in NL on 8/2 my name day via JO32KF :

16 Mhz  pirates in NL   on 8/2 my name day via JO32KF :

1611  ‘Pomte radio’ local with German songs and western oldies 0940 ID 0953
1629  marginal   0947 did ntfind ID

6070  Blue star  radio  1005  with ID and old song
6150 + 6190  6220 6255  6285 6300 6305 6325 6940  pirates  on 1006
15135 CRI in Mal  with  S20 signal  (-58 db) you can find also some info abt Malay  prgs  on my new commercial  book Malaysia 25 Years Survey   ($5) http://goo.gl/Pi87gp

Logs Sat 7/2/15

Logs Sat 7/2 with basic R75+ 16  inv V antenna  plus  remote receivers check

11610 ?  1731  quite fast talks of nearly double speed  HoA  music S20 >>IBRA in Somali
11735 Tanzania 1759 with Afro Arab song man talking on 1800 over he music which continued under his talks. quite lengthy song
9835 RTM-S 1805 with nice ballads; .Poor  signal in Australia 1820, bumping in France 1845 and good in HK 1858 (using GT  receivers ) You may look also in my first commercial  e-book about the reception of Malaysia throughout the years  (price $5 v.2 ) 
Malaysia 25 Years Survey    ($5) http://goo.gl/Pi87gp
9765 NHK /RJ  1809 via Germany  with old pop  song S20-30
7610-40 seems as  spur of REE  with sports program . signal up to S3
9526 VoI 1815  with poor audio in German S9  QSB 3 , also noticed in my new e-book
Malaysia 25 Years Survey    ($5) http://goo.gl/Pi87gp
531  Jil FM 1819  with western pop music S7
9390  R Thailand  1820 with trad Thai song and talk in Thai S9
4900 1826 operator in LSB  in Italian  fair
6170  VoK 1933  operas  74% in  Sydney
6256 or 54 listening via GT  Marabu   good . in THS with S3
1620  Greek pirate 2304 with old Greek songs   with S20 in THS , very good in …..France (via GT )
1671  Greek pirate 2310  with S9 here  and good in ……France again
4965 Tajikistan 2341  s3 full of local QRN
7600 BBC Eng  via Thailand  S1
7730  Family R via WRMI 2344 with  religious  prg in Spanish S5  

Κυριακή 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Logs using remote SDR in GE 1/2

Logs today using remote recover somewhere in  Germany
Legend : power in dbu , signal meter S units

All sorted  by freq

5800 pir 0950 old rocks  -84 dbu S7
5820 pir? 0949  old German song , talks in dutch -80 S8
5850 ToM?  Talks by priest 091x
6005 R700  rel Radio mi amigo 0947 with rock song -53 db  S+20
6030 pir 0946 talks very poor  -85 db S7
6070 R 48  0940 rock song , talks in German  -58 db S20  
6095 Mighty KBC 0942 adverts  -58 S20 [S9 in THS]
6150 pirate ? 0943 rock song -69 db S10
6200 pir 0939  rock song  German talks -75 db S9
6210 pir 0939 old pops -86 db S 7
6240 pir 1351 old pops -73 S9
6260 R ‘Nordpol’  in  ID and pop songs 0937  -68 db
6285  R intl (pir)  0936 with ID -77dbm S9
6284.9 pir 1353 old pop  -82 S7
6300  Sepa radio /Apirats  pir from Ger -70  S20 audio http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/36889016
6950 ppir 0953 rock song  -75dbu  S20
6990 pir? 1400 hrd meusic but seems as empty  -85 S7
7265 HLR via EMR 0952 PInk Floyd  -55 dbu S20 [in THS S4  ]
7310  R 700 0957 talks in German abt Boko haram , Islam etc  -58dbu S20 [S4 in THS]
7365 German rel 0959 German song -60 S10
9485 EMR 1002 with rock song S20[S2 n THS ]