Πέμπτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2014

MW and few SW logs again 19/11

MW and few SW logs 19/11
Using HF150 and  basketena

1440 ??? 1715 song creatures of the night  ID heard not noticed , German talks , german ompah song , but seems relig talks .  fair signal > RTL ??? enwg
1458  CRI 1718  in Bulgarian with CC lessons Good
1422  R Romania Actualitati 1725 wit mambo ld song ID 1730 ‘paw owe’  QRM polytechnic station on 1431
1503 …  with pop songs 1733-39  and talks but signal is low and overwhelmed by QRN so tat i cant listen to the lang  Supp Beograd
9820  Pilipinas  mixed with IRIB Swahili , with Irib  winning .IRIB mentioning news on Palestine and Slovenia ID 1755  Good
1395  TWR in Hungarian 1953 with Christian prg and web address in .hu Polish in 2000
9755  Vatican radio 1956 with Ae Marias . string signal
1413  Vesti FM 2122 news  Vizie FM , Voci Istori 2130 and many Ids as Vesti FM   news heads  good signal

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