Τρίτη 27 Μαΐου 2014

Logs for mon 26th

Using the latest material from Ivo
13640 AIR 1956 with news in French
15610  WEWN 2007  with talks poor with QRN S4
15570 Vatican R 2010  African service  Africa today program S9  abt Bethleeem Jerusalem
12050 WEWN 2018 max S5 Again 2147 with discussions
15420 Bstair 2018 S3 CUSB
11775 Carrib Beacon 20023 in Eng sinal just marginal Also 2151 with YL  ab Jesus et S6 max Passes ToH  w/o mentioning ID Sudden s off 2202
9375 no ID  found 2027 with acapella song continuous mentions of Libya 2039  again with acapella song then Islamic prg . Eibi Shows Algeria
11725 RZNZI 2042  with news and ID S3 max
11760 Cuba 2052  with talks in French S3 max QRM 11765 Arabic station S10
9710   S1//9810  S3 supposedly  for RHC  freqs but heard CNR instead of them Was also //4800
3985 KLL 2115 with German songs S3 max
3995 WRM 2117 TYL with talks in CC S3 max Also 7365 with S6signal  in //3995
6115  FEBC ? Veritas in CC with ID on  2128
7255 BLR //11730 on 2133 but today was with  fair modulation
7350 WWCR with very pooor signal
13845  WWCR 2144 with relig prg in English S9
13830 WEWN 2146  spanish prg S1 with talks by OM and YL possibly // 12050
15550 WJHR  USB with song or chants , marginal
6089.9 Kaduna 2203 swith talks in Hausa and with Arabic words There is a audio clip here
6300 a pirate 2210 wi oldies
7575 VoA? 2217 with news S3
9930 VoTurkey 2220 with info abt turkey in English  S9

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