Δευτέρα 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Logs 22/2

Logs 22/2

9740 TRT 1106  Turkish song S2
15190 ??   1109  prg in CC S2 Per Eibi is AWR
15605 AWR 1140 rhymes lang seems Bamar  Per Eibi is Shan
15760 Mashaal 1145 with a Hindi(c ) melody . Reminds me Aaina’s  rothe ho tum . Phone ins 1148 back to song S4-5 Also //12130 on 1202 (S2)
12105 TWR 1154 talks by OM in Chinese , a song , TWR Agana then signing off  leaving a marginal signal that is possibly WWTW
15180 TWR in Yi 1216 Listen to the  sample : http://www.mediafire.com/download/s87vbmdjkkmfv5a/Yi_lang.wma
9720 SLBC or CRI?  There is a  recording on 1214
9810 AIR Telugu 1220 heard some music , followed by OM with talks
9910 TWR Agana 1227 in CC closing the program . Then ext transmission comes from  ORNK with nearly marginal signal
9930 WHRI 1234 religious talks S2 on 16H antenna
9790  ????1247 relig prg ‘Alleluya ossana’  in Tamil style song YL with relig  talks. Lang seems  Hindi Passes  TOH with same program > TWR Santali?
9870 Vivid Bharti heard clear in 1258 with poor signal S2. ON 1246 ter freqs was  still vacant
9640 VoA 1307  with jazz music  S4
17540  R Mara /Impala 1715 with a song  then IDed as Buranda Mara with talks in VN (Kinyarwanda ) EG and French and mentioning freqs and status of the station ON 1723 with  songs then back to the same IS pattern

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