Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Logs of 30/11 and 1/12

Logs of 30/11
6250 unIDed 2041 OM with talk in Korean  with in between  choruses . this  station must be a  religious  one  as many times  Jesus was heard and Also Halleluyah ! prg passes 2100  S5
6230 spur? Cairo? 2053  with prg in Spanish and very bad modulation and max S5  QRMing possibly VoR on 6235 with prg in Arabic . Tested  with R75 and HF150 !
9745 Kunghua once again  but with marginal signal S0  and poor modulation on 2110
9650  NHK 2117 with maximum signal S2 and talks by YL in Japanese
9980 WWCR  2022 that seems as  the known pastor of TOM . marginal Marginal 14232
1566  HLAZ  once again on 2128 but with marginal signal S1
9530 possibly JCJB in Pulaar (lang of Senegal ) on 2151 with marginal signal on the inv V of 16 V . But reefcption was  quite better on 16 H antenna and Lowe HF150 . Here is a  sample
If someone  has any comment please let me know
11730 BLR 2210 in BLR with news . Many mentions of BLR but best in 2 x 16 with S3
7295 TRaxxxxxxxxxx! FM 2220 with oldies (song seems from Tom Jones ) . OM then with  sort talks  regarding to pore and Islam . Also heard on 1/12  with same  signal S5-7 or 34233  . And seems   this is possibly the only time  to hear Traxxxx  , although  more research  is required
7530  Suab Xaa moo Zoo 2234 mostly with songs and les time with talks . Signal S1 

9800 Sawt Linjila   1838 OM with talks  in Fulfulde  S7 on 16 inv V
7480 Payam e dhoost 1840  with talks by OM in Farsi S5 max
6139.88   p TWR 1917 with a group singing in acapella and OM with talks bridges . Lang seems  Portuguese  S7 max
11735  Tanzania Zanzibar 2043 with typical hilife songs . ON 2058  talk  by YL in Vn then immediate signal off .

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