Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Logs 13-15 12 13

9855  RA?? 2218  interview from   people in the street about Nelson Mandela  S20
9835  S’wak interestingly heard on 2150  with signal S2  NO signal on 19xx as usual ON 2215 with CNR jammer good with S8 . On 15/12  nothing  on the freq (also nothing from WHRI too )
7295 Traxxx on 2220 with signal ard S7. On 14/12  with signal S7
7530 Suab Xaa 2237 with poor signal of S3 and Hmong songs
11750 poss RTVA Tellugu on 1443 with  two men  in Hindi like  language S7
9960 Furusato 1445 man in Japanese At 1446  with enka (traditional )type song  Then talks  by woman 1453 with emails and web pages S6
11870 RVA Chin (not Chinese! ) 1455  with songs  ‘aleluyah amen’ talks in Chin then  ID in English mentioning next prg to be in Vietnamese S 7 Chin  seems  dialect of Bamar
9400 p Sedaye Zindagi 1502 with man talking in Farsi  S8
11955  listed  as Missionwerke  in RU but heard a station in Turkish (poss VoT? )with signal S30!
9965  Nippon no Kaze 1504 a song  ,woman  with talks in Korean  S5
4760  TWR 1643 African  acapela songs  talks in VN , man shouting with numbers in English . Portuguese  program on 1645+  S5
17540 Mara (p) 1726  talks by man then a song by several men with stringed instrument play hen interviews  S10 QSB 2
17870 Inyabutatu  1730 not even a trace  here  in Thessaloniki  
1512 MW that day Chania 173x was   off  leaving a station  possibly  IRIB  wit poor  signal of S2 -4
663.35!!! TRT  1737   being in // 102
4976  Uganda 2115 quite late  with folk songs  and signal S5
4985.12 a peculiar  signal with FSK signal up and down  ‘keying carrier’ that fluctuates  in a sinusoidal  manner
6250  Echo of Hope 2122 man with very lengthy  talks that pass 2130 and signal S5 . ON 2207  is mixed with  Pyongyang Pangsong
4765 Tajik R 2307  with Tajik songs and self adverts  S7
7310 R 700 0748  with ompah ompah songs  OM talks in German
7265 EMR 0800& 0858 with IDs At 0859 announcement of freq  change  S0 . 9480 with song from Tremeloes (suddenly u luv me )

Logs 17/12

Logs  17/12
Dimosia  radiofonia is now back in 90.6
9420  ERA  S7  is now in // 1260  and 1512 (both good )
5005 Bata 2048 talks  S9 max but  SINPO 32222 QRM 5006.85
7280 VoV 2052  talk  in in Viet immediately translated  by YL in English . On 2100  prg in French  with ID  S7
6885 Galei zahal is off for long time  Neither on 15850
10M Observatorio Nacional Brazil 2112  with Id every  10 secs  S0 USB  mixed  with another
9745 Kuanhua  not either a trace on 21xx
9665  with Signal S5 in // 11764.8 (delay )  and S6 // 11780  S3  and possibly //11815  S3  Progam with  radio de Brazil Also 9629.8  at S3
6348 seems Voice of People in //6518 and 6600 (both under severe  QRM from  N Korea)
9950 AIR 2229  with announcement to sign off with  freqs etc S5
4780 Djibuti  still on 2237

Τετάρτη 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Logs 3+4/12

Logs on 3/12

An UnIDied  hilight :
9955 LSB WRMI?? 1417 with music thn YL or OM with talk in Eng 14445 with a song . Heard an ID as this is AWR but no sure . Any ideas ??

12095 Tatarstan Awazy 0833 talks by OM s9  QSB 2
9580 RA 0835 with news (sports?) S4 //9475  Also on 0905 with S3
9677 Talish 0905 and 0814 with a very terrible modulation 0921  Qur'an (as I could listen to this garbled stuff  )S5 max
21670 BSKSA Riyadh in Indonesian 0915 with quran . A sort notice by YL then back to quran  byanother priest with recitations
17680 ERGO 0974 with ID and talks in Somali at 0929  with freqs and addresses in Nairobi then  songs
9750 NHK 0940 discussions in JJ S4 max
9990 Farda 0945 talks ID 0944 S3 only
21540 Kuwait 0946 in Arabic with phone ins  S10
15420 R F Sarawak 1105 is received  with  a very poor carrier on SSB
9950 Furusato nouta 1349 YL with talks in Japanese S5 max
9940 TWR Cantonese 1350 with signal S9
6260 CVC Hindi 1415 with talks S8
11870 Veritas in CHIN (not Chinese )1451 with songs .Language  look as Bamar  S5
5930  fr looking TWR in listed Hindi before 1500, found a Russian Possibly Murmansk ?
9585  looking for TWR Malagasy  same time I found that the  signal was just marginal!
1620 once again  heard a mix of Cuban and American stations on 0406 ! Signal S4
No signals  on 11660  for Al Quds or 9610 V of Palestine or V of Justice 136x0 Also 11790 no signal  from  Tatarstan
15160 R Australia with talks  S1-3

Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Logs of 30/11 and 1/12

Logs of 30/11
6250 unIDed 2041 OM with talk in Korean  with in between  choruses . this  station must be a  religious  one  as many times  Jesus was heard and Also Halleluyah ! prg passes 2100  S5
6230 spur? Cairo? 2053  with prg in Spanish and very bad modulation and max S5  QRMing possibly VoR on 6235 with prg in Arabic . Tested  with R75 and HF150 !
9745 Kunghua once again  but with marginal signal S0  and poor modulation on 2110
9650  NHK 2117 with maximum signal S2 and talks by YL in Japanese
9980 WWCR  2022 that seems as  the known pastor of TOM . marginal Marginal 14232
1566  HLAZ  once again on 2128 but with marginal signal S1
9530 possibly JCJB in Pulaar (lang of Senegal ) on 2151 with marginal signal on the inv V of 16 V . But reefcption was  quite better on 16 H antenna and Lowe HF150 . Here is a  sample
If someone  has any comment please let me know
11730 BLR 2210 in BLR with news . Many mentions of BLR but best in 2 x 16 with S3
7295 TRaxxxxxxxxxx! FM 2220 with oldies (song seems from Tom Jones ) . OM then with  sort talks  regarding to pore and Islam . Also heard on 1/12  with same  signal S5-7 or 34233  . And seems   this is possibly the only time  to hear Traxxxx  , although  more research  is required
7530  Suab Xaa moo Zoo 2234 mostly with songs and les time with talks . Signal S1 

9800 Sawt Linjila   1838 OM with talks  in Fulfulde  S7 on 16 inv V
7480 Payam e dhoost 1840  with talks by OM in Farsi S5 max
6139.88   p TWR 1917 with a group singing in acapella and OM with talks bridges . Lang seems  Portuguese  S7 max
11735  Tanzania Zanzibar 2043 with typical hilife songs . ON 2058  talk  by YL in Vn then immediate signal off .