Logs 3/7
9695Deewa 1353
with seemingly reports
S5 mentions of Islamabad , religious ?
9725 ?? 1402
relig prg in Russian 1404 with song S 9
9380 N K
Free radio 1407 talk by YL Korean S1 /V antenna
1410 rather poor signal , un IDable due to fast fades and low signal
, but poss Farsi carrier on -30 Hz > IRIB dari per eibi
9716 harmonic of 1620 at 1415
9800 R Romania
intl with ID on 1427 strong QRM in
lSB by nearby QBPL carrier
4810 AIR
Delhi 2213 extended program , in Hindi S7
6260 pirate
2215 pop songs S7
4825 Cancao Nova? PP 0344 S1
4885 Para
0344 talks SA3
4976 Uganda 0345 S1
5025 Cuba 0345
talks S5
5040 Cuba 0345 S6
15160 R A 0346
talsks S7
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