Τρίτη 9 Απριλίου 2013




9819.2  R 0/7 on0544 with max S7 34434 mentioned time internet Parana and musica padre zore
11765  SRDA 0547 with bumping signal  at S9 and super modulation  a song 45434
12160  dabanga 0550 with talks in Arabic S2 ON 0555 with seemingly preaching and  a HOA song ID Dabanga @1556  off then
12130 Mashaal 0518 with talks in Farsi /Dari Many mentions  of Pakistan , song snippets S5 35343
11885 Xinjiang PBS 0602  with news S0 ful of of DSL noise
9677.6 v R Azerbaijan 007 with terrible modulation sounded as SBish though not copies on SSB! Sgnai is S3 . Heard  talks by YL
15090 Radio Liberty   1120  with signal S5 max 35333
15825  WWCR 1123  relig prx S5
15235  Pakistan? 1338  with hindi song and mentions of Pakistan  in Urdu S7 , somehow  overloaded audio and relatively bassy
7205 Russian? 1350 with Signal just S1 with seemingly commentaries
7285  Tib PBS? 1313 lessons of Chinese lang  S4 max
540 Kossuth R 1358 with adverts , web address , ID then news  S7!! 34343
9526 RRI 1401 with ID and nesw in Indo
6095 KBC? Is the only on the band this trine 140x  with song ‘ the last dance from me’ non version of Tom Jones (someone other singing )
7295 Traxx FM 1510 with talks by OM then songs  1514 S4 max
6400 Pyongyang 1600& 1615 with operas S5 max
4750 Bangladesh 1638 hindisong S7
11665 // 9835 RM Sarawak with  rock song

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