9835 RTM with signal S10 1805 with hip hop songs //11665 S7 hten
advert for Uniraya 1858 with samba song
9825 Filipinas
1809 with talks by YL in Pilipino and signal S7
4835 Australia 1820
with talks country like music S7/3 noise . Also poor using Degen 1102 outside the house 25222
4976 Uganda 1827
with talk in VN . low audio S9 44322
9800 Sawtu
Lingila 1831 with many mentions of Linjila and Jesus S10
pirate ?? with kugiran > Start of ‘Hawaii 5-0’ for just 5 secs then with a song ‘ducklings’
of 80s and then sign off S3
15825 WWCR
1837 prayer translated into Spanish S7
45424 fast fadings
WBCQ with C+ U 1839 prayer in English S1
15330 Marti
1842 with reverse ranked hits , and talk in SP S7
4319 AFN
1902 with news in Eng S3
9585 R Thailand
1914 megabank ‘s internet address ID
then international news 43543
9815 Afia Darfur
1920 S10 with many mentions of Sudan and Darfur and
Adis Abeba
5964.7 R Klasik
under severe QRM from a station on 5970
and 5965
6005 BBC 1935 via Sey with signal S9 and ID . A poor carrier in 6003 .best LSB
6130 TRW
1945 from SWZ in Portuguese
6280 pirate
1951 with pop songs S4/2 qrn
6295 Refs Europe
1954 prayer S5/2
7250 Bangladesh 1955
with Bollywood songs ID 1959 S10
with strong QRMfrom 7245 and 7255 . Inner buzzer on vacant carrier
9819.2 R 9/7 BR with S1 and talks
4830 Mongolia 2326
with patriotic songs S9 , 4895 at S7
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