RA?? 2218 interview from people
in the street about Nelson Mandela S20
9835 S’wak interestingly heard on
2150 with signal S2 NO signal on 19xx as usual ON 2215 with CNR
jammer good with S8 . On 15/12 nothing on the freq (also nothing from WHRI too )
7295 Traxxx on 2220 with signal ard S7. On 14/12 with signal S7
7530 Suab Xaa 2237 with poor signal of S3 and Hmong songs
11750 poss RTVA Tellugu on 1443 with
two men in Hindi like language S7
9960 Furusato 1445 man in Japanese At 1446 with enka (traditional )type song Then talks
by woman 1453 with emails and web pages S6
11870 RVA Chin (not Chinese! ) 1455
with songs ‘aleluyah amen’ talks
in Chin then ID in English mentioning
next prg to be in Vietnamese S 7 Chin
seems dialect of Bamar
9400 p Sedaye Zindagi 1502 with man talking in Farsi S8
11955 listed as Missionwerke in RU but heard a station in Turkish (poss
VoT? )with signal S30!
9965 Nippon no Kaze 1504 a
song ,woman with talks in Korean S5
4760 TWR 1643 African acapela songs
talks in VN , man shouting with numbers in English . Portuguese program on 1645+ S5
17540 Mara (p) 1726 talks by man
then a song by several men with stringed instrument play hen interviews S10 QSB 2
17870 Inyabutatu 1730 not even a
trace here in Thessaloniki
1512 MW that day Chania 173x was off
leaving a station possibly IRIB
wit poor signal of S2 -4
663.35!!! TRT 1737 being
in // 102
4976 Uganda 2115 quite late with folk songs and signal S5
4985.12 a peculiar signal with FSK
signal up and down ‘keying carrier’ that
fluctuates in a sinusoidal manner
6250 Echo of Hope 2122 man with very
lengthy talks that pass 2130 and signal
S5 . ON 2207 is mixed with Pyongyang Pangsong
4765 Tajik R 2307 with Tajik songs
and self adverts S7
7310 R 700 0748 with ompah ompah
songs OM talks in German
7265 EMR 0800& 0858 with IDs At 0859 announcement of freq change
S0 . 9480 with song from Tremeloes (suddenly u luv me )