Τετάρτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Logs 18+19/9


9835 RTM .Sw 1642 with nice pop songs S7 and 34333 1646 song "Dialam fana cinta"  from Fotograf At 1831 mixed with NHK  for a S5 signal  and with mixexd Western and maaly songs

7120 Hargeisa (?)1822 with HoA songs. At 1829 with talks in Arabic S7 33433 Also 19-9  with S9 

4765  TajikR 1842 with trad songs S7  talks inTJ 35333

4810 Armenia 1815  with signal S20 At 1900 with AR prog

5005 Batà 1905 with LA style songs OM with talks in SP  At 1911 with western old pops , better on Narrow band . Signal S9 on 1930

6165 RDF Tchad? 1940  with talks in FR and low audio . Same QRG with some digital noise

15190 R Africa 1950 talks in ENg , mentions of Africa  S5 Also infconfidencia on 15191.5  at S3 

1566 Challenger? 2028 with talks in Italian S2

1350 R Lyom (?) 2032 with talks in French and Arabic S9

1620  on 0343 with a cuban (p)station  S1-2
7190 ?? 0348 in Arabic  and signal S9 . presume VoBVM

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