15120 V o Nigeria YTL with talks abt program then IS prg abt NTP S9
15525 FEBC 0823 with gospel songs and talks in CC S1 only
13685 ERGO IRIN 0833 with signal only S1-3 talks in unIDed lang mentioning Ban Ki Mun recording here:http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534506/
6095 Track R 0902 with old rock song S7 on 2x16
6095 Track R 0902 with old rock song S7
Greek pirate on 1515 with mainly pop songs . the funny to refer here is tat the station is best heard in FM- N decoding!
Band scanning on Wed 26 /9 (work off day ) with the help of Eibi listing (printed )
15850 & 6973 on 0629 with just carriers . Do they strike together with us??
15725 S Sudan Rev Radio 0632 with OM speaking aggressively , many mentions of Sudan . Pakistan under then S5/9 (V/H antenna ) 33443
Recording here : http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534505/
15700 Damal 0641 phone in discussions 0644 with folk songs and back to phone ins S5 35333
15170 & 15120 CRI in CC to FE and Sib per Eibi with signals S2-3 for both , but different program
11725 RNZI 0658 with mentions on BBC . Signal S3 max with Quite strong QRM from VoT of S20.
Rec here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534504/
Rec here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534504/
15240 RA with news on 0705 ID at 1707 Just S2 or 152x2
15245 VoR 0710 with operas 0711 talks in RR Just S2
Rec here:http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534503/
15450 FEBC (p)0717 with talks in CC but quite poor at S1 . Supposedly 15225 also FEBC with S4 but different program (per Eibi )
rec here :
rec here :
15515 Kuwait 0724 with Quran chants (S2/7 V/H ) 0727 ID
15740 Mashaal 0741 with talks by OM in Pushtu with many mention of Afghanistan S0
15785 BSKSA Riadh 0754 prg in English “ R Riad presents the service’ with ambient music (reminds a bit J M Jarre on 0800 with French program starting with Quran.