Σάββατο 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Logs 23+ 26 /9

Sunday 23/9/12
15120 V o Nigeria YTL with talks abt program then IS  prg abt NTP  S9
15525 FEBC 0823 with gospel songs and talks in CC  S1 only
13685 ERGO IRIN 0833 with signal only S1-3 talks in unIDed lang mentioning Ban Ki Mun recording here:http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534506/
6095  Track  R 0902  with old rock song  S7 on 2x16
6095 Track R 0902 with old rock song S7
Greek pirate on 1515 with mainly pop songs . the funny to refer here  is tat the station is best heard in FM- N decoding! 
Band scanning on Wed 26 /9 (work off day ) with the help of Eibi listing (printed )
15850 & 6973 on 0629  with just carriers . Do they strike together with us??
15725 S Sudan Rev Radio 0632 with OM speaking aggressively , many mentions of Sudan . Pakistan under then S5/9 (V/H  antenna ) 33443
15700 Damal 0641 phone in discussions 0644 with folk songs and back to phone ins S5 35333
15170 & 15120  CRI in CC  to FE and Sib per Eibi with signals S2-3 for both , but different program
11725 RNZI 0658 with mentions on BBC . Signal S3 max with Quite strong QRM  from VoT of S20.
Rec here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534504/
15240 RA with news on 0705 ID at 1707  Just S2 or 152x2
15245 VoR 0710 with operas 0711 talks in RR Just S2
Rec here:http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13534503/
15450 FEBC (p)0717 with talks in CC  but quite poor at S1 . Supposedly 15225 also FEBC with S4  but different program (per Eibi )
rec here :
15515 Kuwait 0724 with Quran chants (S2/7 V/H ) 0727 ID
15740 Mashaal 0741 with talks by OM  in Pushtu with many mention of Afghanistan S0
15785 BSKSA Riadh 0754 prg in English “ R Riad presents the service’ with ambient music (reminds a bit J M Jarre on 0800 with French program starting with Quran.

Τετάρτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Logs 18+19/9


9835 RTM .Sw 1642 with nice pop songs S7 and 34333 1646 song "Dialam fana cinta"  from Fotograf At 1831 mixed with NHK  for a S5 signal  and with mixexd Western and maaly songs

7120 Hargeisa (?)1822 with HoA songs. At 1829 with talks in Arabic S7 33433 Also 19-9  with S9 

4765  TajikR 1842 with trad songs S7  talks inTJ 35333

4810 Armenia 1815  with signal S20 At 1900 with AR prog

5005 Batà 1905 with LA style songs OM with talks in SP  At 1911 with western old pops , better on Narrow band . Signal S9 on 1930

6165 RDF Tchad? 1940  with talks in FR and low audio . Same QRG with some digital noise

15190 R Africa 1950 talks in ENg , mentions of Africa  S5 Also infconfidencia on 15191.5  at S3 

1566 Challenger? 2028 with talks in Italian S2

1350 R Lyom (?) 2032 with talks in French and Arabic S9

1620  on 0343 with a cuban (p)station  S1-2
7190 ?? 0348 in Arabic  and signal S9 . presume VoBVM

Τρίτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Logs for 8/9

15725  V of Sudan 0647 OMM in lively talks with trilling R's and continuous talks abt Suadan  S8 35243

9690 Tatarstan Awazy 0652 talk  S3 max 45334

15700  V o Somali /Damal 0655 with HoA songs S Africa's IS song for s off

15120 V o Nigeria 0703 with prg in French ID by YL mentioning several African countries  Dull audio S9 455x4

15190  R Africa ? 0707 with marginal signal

15515  Kuwait 0710 with traditional Arabic songs OM with ID  with talks

15720 R F Chosun 1210 with talks  S2 max 1225 with song signal 14232

11935 RV A Hmong 1224 with mostly chants S2

15225 RVA Karen 1228 songs seem as CC ID by OM over trad  music then talks in Bamar  S4 

1179 has been found to have spurs on 1076   1128 1230 1263 1385

Παρασκευή 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Logs 6+7/9


4780  Djibuti 0342 S4
4828  ZWe  S3
4885  PAra talks 0344 S7
4915  Macapa? S9
7250  RL  in RR  0333 abt BLR   
1530 VoA in Eng S7    (Sao tome?? )
carriers on 1620 and 1610

4885 Para 0339  recording with 1126 can be found  http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13395753/
4915 Macapa?on 0342  with song girl of Ipanema  local edition    recording with 1126  can be found  in playable  http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13395757/
1620 0439 talks in Spanish (S2 only )
1548  with advert  a song S3 on 0355 a carrier  with tones (VoR via MDA) Supose Gold from UK though talks were in American English

Τρίτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Pirate radio logs 1+2/9

Log for 01/09

a playable audio sample  for Hamburger Local radio

Log for  02/09

9480  Gloria heard only with some carrier in SSB
6140 RMVB under a S4 noise
9480 RMVB on 0920 with music , but using MFJ 1025 noise canceller
sample  http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13357899/   (web playable)
7265  for Gloria again   nothing
6095 KBC 0920 with S5 and pop songs 35244

Logs 2-4/9

Logs 2-4/9

2/9  using R75 and 2x 16 m

9526  RRI Indonesia 1710  with S0 in SP language
15170 V Oromo Lib Front 1712 with OM with talks in Oromo , adn may rrrr trillings , mentioning also Armin . DRM /digital noise under S30-
13670 Dardarsha 1714 with music , short ID announcement . Sudden s/off
7600 Atlantic? 1721 with pop and rock songs Maximum signal S5 33232
7295  Traxx 1759 with oldies . Clock then news in EG S7  with strong QRM on7290 S20
7480 Payam E Dhoost 1825 with Persian pop songs At 1829  with ID Inja ... Payam S10
15190 R Pilipinas 1834 with talk in Pilipino and signal S3 Also 9395 with S8 ID at 1856 Sign off 9395 at 1837
6030 Oromiya 1844 with talks  and in between short flute fillers . Poor audio and clear ferq
6070 RAdio 6150 1911 with rock song  Fair
4750  CNR 1 2040 with talks in CC S5 over 3 QRN

4885 Para (Brazil) 0340 with adverts  S7/3 (Signal /QRN) Also S9 at 2211 !!
9819.5 'R 9/7' Brazil 0341 talks S: S3 Also S5 on 4/9
15390 CNR UIghur 0357 rhythmic music S1
9565 TUpi? 0341   OM talking loudly S7 33432
9625 Canada ?2124 discussions in English Song at 2128  ID CBC news 2130  35232
4915 Macapa? 2212 S5-7 with RdB news  S5   0339

9565 BBC  in Farsi on 9345 is QRMed S20 Also another station  with Frsti on 9505 on 0345
15515 RA //15160 on 0349 with talks S1 max