.....near the Olympus mountains
are in the W part of the place Less than 100 m height above sea
A few hit logs. Any questions?
9380 AIR with talks in seemingly Tamil (sounded quite different than hindi unless my knowledge fainted ! ) the signal in the place is 47/20 S+N/N which is much better comparing to my Salonica ‘s place Time around 1615-17 I m keeping the same legend below ith the S/N meter
6200 Xizang PBS in English program Holy Tibet at 1623 with signal 35/xx
7140 VoBM2 with songs on 1627 and also talks on 1631 Fair in between Ssb operators
3320 Korea on 1715 wth 20/15 with deep fading
3325 pos Palankaraya In’sia ,just faint signal with deep fading 17/16 indications for max . Itsalso very possible that this comes from spurious signals but cant be tested unless checked with a preselector and for verifying the signal (the only radio with antenna input )..
BTW FYI 31.8 is the independence day in Msia
The remain logs in time order / as written
15825 WWCR
with sermon 1558 52/14
15770 nothing
on 1600 fadein 1627 –
15760 Beijing 1600 36/00
15640 VoA
hindi ? 40/18
4750 Bangla
radio 25/x
4800 CNr
tals with music 1600 45/xx
4822 QSN+2 XIzang PBS CC , with talks 1601 42/xx
4910 AIR? Talks
Strong QRM 1603 25/xx
4920 Xizang
PBS 1604
4950 AR Srinagar
1606 39/20 talks in Hindi (?)
3930 VoKorea jammer 16096
9200 SoH CRI with 40/xx on 1614 also on 9180 with
9100 VoHope
1615 talks 60!/xx
9330 Farda?
77/59 prg in Farsi
Pyongyang pangsong1626 korean operas
9420 CNR 13
with signal 65/xx wth talks /and retested with music later
9405 poss TW?
With talks [unnoticed or garbled scribble ] with signal 65/23
5995 nothing
on the freq on 1625
7600 talks
in Farsi 1632 47/25
7730 CNR as
jammer 1633 41/11
5040 India ?
religious sermons 1628
Russian Meteo 38/07 in USB meteo info as usual
numbers station calling 392 0600 in russian on 1716
4765 Tajikistan
just fading up
This is a special mini Dxpedition against all odds . The previous case my daughter pushed me to dismantle the wire because she wanted to return back to the village to meet her friends , for just a 10 minutes DXing These were the logs on 17-8 as posted directly to the email lists (80 recipients)