Παρασκευή 26 Απριλίου 2019

Fast short Logs for 24.4.2019

Writen in 1  core , 5+ yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...
This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!

Very bad reception day in all bands
15034U Trenton Volmet 2237 with only S2 max with 10 db preamp
15610 EWTN /WEWN with S9 max signal , promotions program 2238
15400 I dont know if BBC was live that time 2228  but there was a very poor carrier  only traceable with SSB
9900 CNR1 jammer in //9860 with news 2239
9840 TRT 2239 with songs S4

1550 RASD (Natl Radio  Sahara ) with songs that seem as Berber Only S1 .same time 1548 RAI was nerly nil witout causing QRM to RASD
1575 IRIB 2044 just a strong carrier S10 with very low modulation that's taslk in  Farsi JUst a jammer  against a clandestine
1431 Uni Radio Thessaloniki 2246 oneof the very few cases listening them so late.  music that time only S10
1350 very poor 2248  language sounds  Farsi to me  <1

Κυριακή 21 Απριλίου 2019

Vatican radio special ester program

text was riten in a hurry wit the keyboard on tablet system .too many typos because of hurry .

Vatican radio special ester program
Saturday night: 18XX-2030
11630 in POrtuguse /9705 FRench / 7380 English /9800 Arabic /7315 Chinese
All are in synchro with translation in the  language of regference. The process adn liturgy was very intereting _ im not catholic as we celebrate the easter next week as with the East europeans-
11630 with S20 /9705 with S9 /7380 with S10 /9800 with S20 and 7315 with S20

Other satrurday logs:
6070 was off the time of 18xx
piates fgrom W seruope werere heard on 6297 with old song and also the original version of the malay anthem 1856?, which switched off adn again on after 15-20 minutes
OTher pirates were head on 6320 (rave music 1843 S5 max)  6205 (S3 max,1905) \6230 (S3 1846 seemed as meteo service ) 6260 (s2 ) and 6325 (QSY from 6320) and   aother 7725 on 1941z

4950 a greek QSO network 1917 harmonic from 1650 and sifgal of the onw to S9 (same in 1670 )
4930 VoA 1920 S10 but with poor audio Best in LSB
4750 Bangla R? 1922  with signal upt  tp S9
9845 KNLS 1929 with chiors and russain talks mentions of Bible etc ID on 57 several times before siging off > secind time hearing them
9840 WHRi 1945+2000 wth signal just s3max
9855 IRIB? 1941 a storyin english about social media but low and trebly audio S20
7280 VoV? with viet songs that have rythms close to jaipong .rec will be posted later

Sunday 075--0940 & 0957-1120
15490 PP (S2 )/ 15575 FR  (S2 also )/13815 Eng (S5 -25433) /15430 Arab (S9-35523) on 0806 adn same levels  on1006
again all in synchro with live  tanslation signal was the same tw hour after

15805 WMR 0811 seems to air the same time . justavery poor carier inbetween local noise
7365 HCJB? 0812 with gerrman talks S2 with 10 db preamp
9650 Guinea 0821 drum plays 0822 talks  seem PP . check with SDrs in hunfary adn romania with a S9 carrier adn poor audio in Aafrica hearing VoKorea  with music (0853?) and on Brazil (0855?) with guinea . On 090x european SdRS with arabic while in again brazil with Guinee!
15145 AWR 0826 with ID and taslkj in french S5 max

Σάββατο 20 Απριλίου 2019

Logs on 19/4/19

  Logs in my QTH with R75 ad 16 m inv dipole

5985 CRi   1937 talks in Portuguese S5
6195 BBC 1938 quite poorer than normal S7 with QSB2 as 35422
6305 enterprise radio (pirate )with American country song , ID in Spanish S4
No pirates that day in the band  . also checked via various SDRs that day  in Italy Germany and Holland  .it as the first time to watch a total SDR latency
6628U operator with QSO in English
7205 Sudan 1956 mentioning Quran and preaching. Arabic talksS9 with good audio
7225 Vatican radio 2001 in an African language S10
6010 NHK 2013 with talks in Jap S9 mentions of Hokkaido
6050 Xizang PBS (Lhasa ) 2016 with nice ezl music this is the time they air only music . Chinese program S5 Also on 7240 which is full of QRN from both sides
6090 Amhara Radio 2016 with HoA song S7
9490 VoA 2029 , sign on ID ed as Radio alpha in is Hausa program
15555U WHJR Milton 2037 with religious programS2 max One of the handful stations of the time
15130 NHK 2055 discussions between OM and YL S3-4 max on fadeout time. 2 minutes later with  up to S9
6160 SWradio  semiofficial from Germany with only music that passes the ToH 2100
6155  VOIRI 21xx Arabic with talkings abt Koran having rhymes Poor audio S9

Σάββατο 13 Απριλίου 2019

MIxed Logs for April 12

Writen in 1  core , 5+ yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...
This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!

My QTH :
7700 Supreme master TV via WRMI 2230 seems replace older program but not notice in Eibi A19
4885 Club Para 2232  covers the KOrean VoP station
1555 Varonos greek pirate from Thesaloniki with good signals

Some  KSDR logs:
hg5acz :  (new)
9720 1941 Chinese firedragon with traditional CC songs S8 (-78)
9730 CRI in PP 1944 talk  about Macao then lessosn of CC S9
9655 IRIB 1946 trebly sound  Eng program abtou isreal and Hebrew mafia , 'Voiceof palestine'
9920 R Thailand 1951 Jounery Phuket S6
9420 ERA 1962 old greek song S9 (-72)
7245 CRi in romania 1954 nice CC song with YL ID 1957
9620 AIR Italiano vera song in hindi version !!!!!!! S4
9635 Voturkey 2003 Le tourimse prg in French S8 (-53)
6170 R Romania French 2006 with S30 . Spur on 6216.7

in "frescia" Italy with high QRN
7230 NL pirate S4
7275 pirate , pop songs S7
11615 TRT? 2020  TU songs S5
9885 2028 hausa (p)language discussions s mention of Nigeria S9

Κυριακή 7 Απριλίου 2019

Checking between variosu SDRS and mine ! (6.4.19)

Writen in 1  core , 5+ yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and auto correct off or i have to wait more than 5 minutes for the system to check every one key pressed by the writer after 200 words of text!!...

This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!

Checking  between various SDRS and mine !

TWR Africa SDR: 
3200 TWR Swazi 1634 talks  in PP , new time towards Africa as per eibi Previous as whon was 0430-0500 daly  in English 
4930 VoA STP 1635 with S20 signal 
5010 Malagasy 1635 with only S7 carrier 
5915 Zambia ZBC1 mixed with  Indian music (CRI?) S10 
5985 CRI in Hausa 1639 talks S10 

Checking from now strong signals in either point [italix show local signal in SKG ]: 
9680 VHope Africa Zambia 1653 with religious song S10. Here with S2 
9635 RTM Mali S7 with same signal here ! 
9685 CRI Hausa mentions of Nigeria 1703 S10  QTH: S2
11670 REE Spain 1706 sports  program S10 Here S7 
11750 SLBC ? 1708 in Sinhalese with  talks S9  QTH S7 
11790 AWR Swahili talks S9  QTH S20!!!
11945 NHK with a English song man with song descriptions in Jap while referring to the title first in English Both S20!!
15180 Radio Yasii as IDed (VoA) S7 Here S9 
15300 RFI with S3 here S10 there

Italy in Cagliari: 9977 local Italian station spur not /// here 
1618 USB woman with talk in italian with numbers and more 

HK r: 6110 Fana Ethiopia in both Rxs with S10 and semi traditional songs 2023  (35433)   heard till he end of the transmission 2102 after the Top off  hour with short ann by YL then national hymn and sign off 
4800 and 475o in the waiting of the start program S9 
4820 Xizang PBS 2018 with S9 and trad music 

Τρίτη 2 Απριλίου 2019

While trying to exploring Piranha Sun 31.3 ...

While trying to exploring  Piranha last Sun 31.3 ...

Writen in 1  core , 5 yr old  tablet 4.2.2 Droid  with external keyboard  and autocorect off or i have to wait more han 5 minutes for system to check every one key pressed bythe witer after 200 words of text!!...
This tablet is used up to 10 hrs per day!

Aroud 1900: trying in two  Brazil SDRs:
PIrana =nothing
4860 Alvorada 10
4774 Sonda Conhongas S10
4905 relogio S10
4885 RBC S5
4935 S5

Trying PJC
PIrana: Nothing
4860.2 Alvorada with ID  religious talks S9  2002

Trying SDr on Santiago /Arg
PIrana: Nothing
1030 Tropicas 2002 ID(?)
1000 MW religious talks & 1100  2005
930 R Nuevo Mundo ID 2007-9

Finally i have not heard Pirana!

Two  TWR Africa logs :
5985 Mali? nice trad instrument play 2220 but taslk in FR language S7 sounds as <S5.In my QTH wih S9 but with co channel QRM
5915 ZBC1 2026 with hilife and talks in african lang  S5 .In THS with S5