Τρίτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Logs on Nov 26th 18

using typical system
9885 VoA in hausa/kirundi abot Urindi Xhosas and Ibokas S10 >> it is konkani per Eibi
9780 AWR 1953 prg in French religi program asbout Samaritans S5
9850  AWR 1955 in afro lang and songs S8 S5-9 then soff  >>>ibo
9535 Firedrake 2002 with S9 Also on 9410& 9455 At 2100 CRI1 replaces the Firedrake!
7780 WRMI  2009 with russian pogram poss DX program >> radio panorama  S3
7475 R thailand i german 2013 with hymn then bells then IS in Eng abt end of german program then soff
11965  ?? 2022 pasage from genesis , uptown , creatio moments prog S9 >> African pathways
9855 R japan  2033 in french mentioning koreans , JJ lang lessons on 2055
6250 /6350 VoP both S7 on 2035 being in //4885 hunye KOrea  6520&6600 are diferent
6730 CHN CNR 2038 heard very poor
6693 2053 RU meteo with problems in its voice transmission
9380 AIR is very poor on 2058 S2 only
9525 Denge Azadi RL in Kurdish 2106 with ID then with two songs ti
7780 RAE 'argentina del mundo' 2125 program in German. S5-6
6075 RJ 2200 funny discusion between man aand woman in indo Poor signal at S5/S3 local QRN
6358+/-  is a 75bd baudot with RY as heard (i know the sound )

MW logs:
1377 CNR  2107 is now heardw with S3 signal (poor clear with some inter QRM from ??) which  is fist time so clear and good
1566 greek pirate mixed with TWR from Africa , with French lagn on 2108 +
1548 TWR prg in serbian or close lang with relig program [mwlist verifies that, from MDA ]

Πέμπτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2018

KIwi SDR monitoring report on 12.11.18 (#2 update 26.11)

New bandscan with the Kiwi SDR from the Jakarta rig in its latest one day before ...geting out of the net!  I miss one very interestin station that keeps me listening closely to the SEA
Update : SDR was noticed once again operation around 20th 
The previous report has been  sent via email to several DX groups one day  before and now is included on the end of this message 

Date 12/11 and reception from 2130 and then. Fulll bandscan with all avaliable stations  on that local morning  as they start the time i monitored the band

Fist number  is QRG secnd is signal level as shown in the S meter of  the SDR monitor console. , time and some info as listened. Special  info also included  :
(parentheses) show info from mwlist
[brackets] show info frm WRTH as given to me by a mate who has the WRTH 18 book.
Please dont forget to comment before leaving the page! 
Writen in tablet

 610 S6  talks in Viet(V of Ho Chi MInh ! 200 kw noted  )
 675 S5 Quran program  2131 [R. Syair Tauhid, Depok]
 720 S5 ID as Silaka , quran 2125 [R. Silaturahim, Cibubur OR Ambon]
 756 S8 quran 2131 [R. Rodja IDed2.12, Cileungsi – Bogor OR Purwokerto]
 999 S8   2132 [Jakarta 3]
1368 5 2134 (radio suara citra adama noticed as inactive )
1413 7 2135 [Sungai Liat]
1440 7 songs 2136 [ R.Setia Nada, Luwuk]
1458 4 2136 quran  (two stations /Parigi or Bandung)
1476 7 max quran 2137 [ KKDT Karawang]
1512 7 S7 2138 [ R. Swara Mitra Dirgantara, Balikpapan]
1530 7  2139 seems as spur with bad modualtion [R. Mesjid Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta]
1575 9  2140 VoA in Viet noticed on Kiwi SDr -  (Thailand 400kW)
 549 10  2141 Quran /10  @2213 (Inyong  from Depok )
 540 S9 2142 /S7 2215 talks  (RRI4 bandung )
1593 7 2143 CNR 1 China  as noticed on KIwi SDr - (Changzhou )
1755 S9 2145 mix modulation
2268 S7 2145 the same
1566 S5 2151 nasyid - new check 20 or 21  QRN1-2  therefore no easy to ID [No INS /AIR 400 kW also receoved here]
1242 S7 225x radio No RRI  tel ..2042...   (RRI Pro 1 Bogor) ..
1152 S4 ID as '1152' adn later as Tigari   (Rodja from Jakarta ?  Other 3 listed  on mwlist)
1089 4 2204  Radio Quran poss from Cirebon as per ID@Nov20-21
1044 3 2205 [ Biak OR Tahuna OR Sibolga]
1026 3 2205 [Serui]
 856 S4 2207 [ R. Kabar Empat, Bekasi]
 837 S4 2208 [ R. Muslim, Jakarta]
 792 S3 2209 carrier only [R.As Syafi’iyah, Jakarta]
 774 S4 2205 quran [RSPD Kotamadya, Payakumbuh  OR Fak-Fak]
 693 S5 2210 talks [ R. Musik Asik Nusantara, Jakarta]
 630 S8 2212 quran ID radio samhan jakarta [630 R. Samhan, Jakarta]
Update 26th:
After local-mindnight stations (1740UTC or 0050 JT) are in 630,720,756,774,999,1089*,1152,1440,1512,1530,1593,1575
as monitored on 26th on 1740 1089 with only carrier
Same time 3325 local with VoI Spanish
During 2245 aalso  1556.9 and 1564.3 have been found with speeches for 1556 while 1564 as with only songs  which started abruptly on 2256 (waterfall check )

I m unsure if  Indonesia premits commercial radio stations in MW but Jakarta has several non RRI stations.

Here is the original   message of NOv 11 that was upated with corections on 12th:

Fast search using the KIwi SDR in Jakarta INS  on 2030Z (0330JT)
Monitored with a tablet that freezes regularly by its system:
673  720  774 1026 1044 1089 1332 1440 1476 1512 1530 1593( CRI  )
[out of 773 adn 1592]
756(8) 999(8)  and app1750 (mix prodcut ) are the strongest  signals that time presumably from nearby jakarta (Cimmangis?)
There was quran program  heard 673 and 720 that time remain were with either talks or songs/music
ADD : 3325 has been heard with VoIns  French with S10

Day freqs addiitons on  0630  JT (2330 Z )
594 612  693 792 837 856 900  +1241(add) 1368 1413
576 (10)  and 630(8) are the strongerst signals together ith 756 & 999 as above
[out of 579  611  ]
Same time 9835 RTM Sarawak was quite poor at S4 max QRM 9840 VoVietnam S10+
11665 was covered by another station around S20  [unnoticed info]

Δευτέρα 19 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Logs for Nov 18th ...

Axtensive listing of MW  pirates on 09Z
1134(9) / 1196(9) / 1225 (8)/ 1260 (3) / 1278 (5)/ 1344 (2) / 1359(7)/ 1386 (9) / 1394(7)  /  1448  (9) / 1476 (2) / 1521(9) / 1538.3 (7) / 1575x2(0) / 1586(1) / 1612(1)  /1620(6)/ 1629 (9) / 1650 (10) / 16660 (9)/ 1670(9) / 1680 (6) / 1700 (9)
1404 (3)ERA
1431  Polytechnic station of Salonica  (10)
Quite many hm?? 

Some SW logs :
17490 CRI 0929 S7 max busienss news
17565 0929 quran progam mixed with CRI //17615  S7
17825 RDPI ? 0931 talk in PP S2
9820 CNR 0932 talks S2

9830 AWR in Hindi 1531 with its usual program with sermosn talks and some relig songs S2 max mixed with CNR1
9875 CRI? 1612 theatre play style with talks in ENg S3 //9570
7535 TWR in urdu on 1620 religious program a song 'parmeshwar' noticed a frew times S9
6090 R Amhara 2042   a pop soing sounded a bit as Horn of Africa (HoA) but in english . the next song was truly HoA S6
7505 Somalia 2046 HoA song under a station transmitting in french S5/S20 the FF
1550 RASD onvce again is heard with very good signal tonite 2050 with S7 and songs
5140 pirate 2105 with signal S7 and ...Deutsche Lieder.

One log for 19th the time of writing : Xinjiang PBS on 4850 (KZ S7 max) /4980 (UI S9 max)/ 5060 (CC S10 max) 

Παρασκευή 16 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Logs on 7+9/11


5060 CNR CC 1545 quite poor ona S4 QRN elvel
4980 XJPBS 1545 just over the QRN - marginal reception
6060 RFE 1550 tirkic lang ,telelgrams S9
9865 /9380  that time are very poor
7180 operator is mixed with VoBM2 whichis very poor (S2 only )that makes him heard good
7240 XIzang  PBS 1600 xinwen baohao , mixed with arab signal

15300 RFI 1724 reports from Congo S5
7425 IRIB 1726 hymn german talks quran S9 max //6025
4810 Yereran 1727 in turkish S6
6284.9 pirate 1738 pop music S3 max
6170 VoK 1741 wiht anthem s9 russian talks  strong qrm in both sides
9840 WHRi 1801 weith ID and adress in indiana rpg in English  S3 max It has a program of one hour
9820 Deewa 1805 //7495 (20 )afghan music  lang then seems Dari before  hearing the ID
7305 IRIB  wwith talks in Albanian 1824 UNdermoded carrier
7245 TWR 1829 in Tigre  as IDed with a lively fok song . two diferent IS of TWR then back on the tigre program ! S9
9818.5 R9/7 'good' at S5 on ca1950 with dicsussios /or new announcemnts by om and yl
9840 on 1950 is with S5 signal
6090 Amhara 1958 with HoA songs and S5 Also fana 6110 with S5
9265 2008 with signal S5  rare  reception  as this
6050 7240 XizangPBS S9  on 2040 with nice prinao music
6180 DWD 2012  temps and ??  greman lang S9
5910 KBSI 2018 hot songs mixed with araboc sation but music is with young YL singers
11855 Brazail 2026 om with talks in PPseems spirotual
12075 VoA sign on with yanggkee dolee program then n hausa
6050 irib 2033 passed for less than 1 minute


1476 Quran alkarim  1814 man with quranic chants and possibly bagpipe (?)   ID on 1959 as Al kuran Al karim al Qahira with secnd ID after the clock
1550 RASD aropnd 182x  with signal S5 and songs
1566 2053 frech talks miexed with greek pirate Poss from TWR Benin ??
1349.95  Brazil 2052  taslk in PP
1377 //4800 CNR but is just marginal

for 10/11 sundy
7259 TRT? 0924 rurkish song
21670 SABC indon wiuth quran talks 0929
9820 CNR 2 0928 talk inCC
9420 VOG 0929 church liturgy S4
6070 DARC 0938  pop song S4
6160 0939 thesecind station in the band

MW : too many MW statios on the band as folwwws :
1134(9) 1175 (2) 1260(3) 1278(3) 1287(3) 1327(10) 1358 (9) 14449 (9)1476 (5) 1510 (9) 1548 (5) 1566 (9) 1584(5) 1593(9)1612 (9) 1620(9) 1640 (1) 1660(10) 1670(10)

Logs on 5-6 /11

7550 AIR is in DRM mode on 1846
7475  R tailand 1846 with S9  with various songs , ID 1859  "the new shape "  adn program IN english
7570 VoK 1858 with hymn S4 Soff 1900
7520 Firedrake  hammer aginst posisbly RFA S5
7585 Farda 1902 liveley persian song S9
7275   1907  language seems hausa S3/1QRN
1566 Italian pirate? 1845 & 1909 with songs also some italian fadeded down  S3-7 max
1550 RASD at 18xx&1911 with S3 only .  It has been heard sevral days with signal that QRMs RAI on 1548

Τετάρτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Logs for Nov 6th...

...with Am-Narrow filter on the R75 radio plus 16 m inv V Local noise is around S1 oin the 4 MHz band
I am ina very dificult position having my father in a rehab and for thelast this ad next month i m going  once nearly every two days.Someitmes even everyday.

4775 latin station  [tarma]2236 only drum sounds heard while the signal is shippped on the waves of local noise S1 only
4750 CNR 2237 also  marginal as previous
4875 2238  spanish lang S3 max
4885 Para - p- from Brazil 2229 plus VoPeople korean cland with max S5
6020 CRi in spanish 2242 with spelled email and clasical music background S10
6210 europirate 2245 pop music just S2 (lasr hot hits?)
6250 Korean [EoUni] cland 2246 with  talks S3
1377  MW CNR 2248 //4800 at S1
1380  MW stations from LAmerica on 2250 with signal <<S1 , just carrier trance
1431 MWpolytech station Thessaloniki 2251 heard clearly in both Am ad FM modes!
1790 russian? pirate 2258 with S3
963 MW RIK 2304 seems a sketch in greek (not cypriot !) with subject on ....cooking a chicken ! MIxed with a french station