Δευτέρα 30 Απριλίου 2018

Logs for 29/4

Logs for 29/4 part A
Clasic  recption system : R75 1x16 inv V

VoA special transmision  for Rohinga on 1130-1200 : 12020 with just marginal signal . 15715 and 17790 seem under DSL if any  signal All on 1131 -35
13785 IRIB  1143 in has been heard under strong siren QRM  . The language  sounded as farsi to me Thanks fo Sidharta thelang was Arabic adn the siren was comign jammer from S Arabia
Info of the above from a  FC chat group

More logs of that time :
9750  1144  talks in arabic  S9
9720  SLBC  1145 old bollly songs S1 only
12005 Farda 1146 exactly w2ith ID song of a woman with guitar
12130 Mashal 1147 S6 in Pusthu with talks
15255 RL 1453  in rather tajik with several mentions of tajikistan  S10
9835 RTM 1454 songs S1
7148  a carrier on 1455  that stayed fr around 20 secs rthen laft with signal S20!

This is  a 3 paart More, later logs in later post !

Σάββατο 28 Απριλίου 2018

Two funny logs on 28th morning

Two statement logs that need some discussion and require very careful reading before replying :

Using analog  Bolong transistor radio on morning of April 28  while listening to MW in bed with earphones.

1.Jil Fm ALG,   was heard in the bottom end of the MW band,  in an after-sleep status. Nice pop &local  songs and fair to good signal,  . Less than half hour later the signal totaly faded out into the local noise. I was unable to QSY as i was in idling -after sleep  -condition so I couldn't either watch  the time!

2.Later while tuning the radio near the upper end of  the radio's band, a station was found playing pop and rock songs Local signal level .  Finally near the top of the hour I heard ID as VoA in American English that then followed with news.

What do you think is the truth behind these logs?Please feel obliged to give your ideas! Just use the context and please PM  me in mesenger for more.
And advise me if you ever DXed in bed .i did that (bed DXing ) very long since i was child..

Τετάρτη 25 Απριλίου 2018

BED! logs for April 26th .

BED! logs for 26th 

Logs  while in bed using :
-75cm long electricity cable of 2 x 0.75  separated and  connected as one wire with alligator bridge on :
-aluminum courtain  frame of abt 1.2 m x10 cm  width
This is nearly the  way I did older times 20+ years ago but using a 15+ m wire outdoors with ard 3 indoor wire bridge
Your coments ? Did you tried ever DXIng in bed?

9410 CRI 2230 in seeminly Eperanto with chinse words   good signal
9370 2232   in tibetan, about estonia fair signal >>>RFA
9450 2235 chinese talks  with news good signl >>CRI
9535 RHC 2236 mentioning Astoria
9555 BSKSA2237 arabic station phonein discussions good
9640 CRI  2238  a nice CC song with a young child singing good signal
9685 CRi 2240 in portuguese wih violin music , apprentas on Chinoise  good
9820 CNR2  2247 with talks good
9880 CRI  2249 with lessons of chinese seems esperanto?fair
7205 in English about governments 2252 fair  >>>BBC EG
7250 CRI.CNR 2253  with cantonese then chinese song good
7425 IRIB  2256 phone in in arabic mentionind kurds , audio has some 'blurring' passing 2300 with no ID Good
7780 WRMI  2304 with taslk in Eng  good
6000 RHC 2208 with talks Good
4980 XJPBS 2311 songs poor

Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2018

Bandscan logs of 22-4

Typical  rig config : R75 - 16 inV

9865 CNR 2034 news in CC Ho ChiMin S9
9894.5 CAiro? 2035 talk in AR or FR  with YL  buzz sound , 2036  no talks or very low modulation S9
9885 ?? prg in AR with signals just S2 relatively low mod >>>BBC
4885 VoP3ople  2046 YL paying guitar anad signning YL them with talks inKOrean then with the same singer with guiotar and a reference to Hangul /korea   S6
4930 (7) 4960 (10)VoA  2050? English Music of time africa then a reggae song
6010 NHK 2058 JJ tals with news ... desuka ID S9 with station info adress MHZ  adn sign off
6100  CRI  2108 Arabia kitab paris S10
6115  R Veritas? 2117 manin CC with commentary S8 ...Guangbo 2121 S5
6155 & 6190 CNR2  in//9820 2126 talk inCC then with classical  muisc  play with violin
6375 pirate 2136 oldies of 60s max s3
7490  2141 oldies S5 max string spalter >>>WBCQ
7355 NHK 2143 YL with ID and talks S6
7300 Akbar Muhrifa 2144 ID  an some radioinfo in Arabic with GMT then carroer on S10
american  stationon 9.2 MHZ : 9265 at S3 9330 at S2 9350 at S2

Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2018

Logs for Sat13th

using the typical  rig system: R75 and 2x16m inV

7545 RFA 1653 pop song then korean  , USB covered with FSK carrier  S4
9510 CRI in English lessons of CC  ike  S7
9515 KBS 1659 CC . typical S korean IS , nax S4
9500 TWR 1702  religious program Amharic I Kristos , hilife song
6327 pirate 1713 max $4 overoded mike sond
6050 HUayi GUangbo 1714 wirg ID , violin c play that seems as classical music S7
6040 VoA  1415 mention of shortwave 4310 feedback , radio esopa and syria .  langiauge  seem as hausa S20
6205 Xizang PBS //4905 traditional tibetan music S1
7355 BBC 1721 koran and english talks inprogram that seems as lang lessns Sxx
7205 XJPBS 1740 //4980 UI with trad song S9
7245 V tajik 1746  with acapella song , 'bername.... with short talks then  back to traditional acapella song S5 max  with QRM fom 7240 that played  a song
6730  CNR 1754  marginal signal
9745 Bahrain 1756 marginal QRMed by 9750 CRI Romanian
7510 FEBA 1751 hilifde song , man and woman in Silte langauge as presumed by B17  schedule (?) theme on dyslexia . OUtdoor sounds S9
9720 Erena 1758  with HoA song talks in Amharic ID a ballad , ID then the RNZI guitar ballad then soff Signal S5
9620 AIR 1811 with hindi song of 70s then talks in arabic for long with news also head on on 1840
9650 Guinea 1801 with hilfi song , news in Fernch refring to  Egypt japan palestine , poisvbl a hym of guinea hten aprogram pf traaveling dept S7
9675 BSKSA Riad 1813 man with islamic program in turkish  with many mentions of Ibrahim arond 1816 with tals  by woman S20

Σάββατο 14 Απριλίου 2018

Logs for 100418

Typical rig of R75 and 16 V antenna

6998 italian network qso 1633 that seems amateur instead of a red cross or anything other
9835 RTM-S 1639 Msia just marginal
5010 AIR 1645 tamil like song that reminds religious type S7
7395 CRI 1648 CC lessons in hindi S10
7120 Hargeysa 1649 HoA  sng and  voice ins S9  not so poor mod as usual
7220 VoViet  that seems as program schedule that refreed to VoV 1656  with a duet song 1658 soff
7250 B Betar 1659 with old Bolly Song ID with short music interval new ID then new in bagla S8
11810 Romania 1702 with english news , whie trying to listen to Amh cland
9420 CNR UI #13 1705 with talks . no  signal from ERA in either  freqs & 9935 that time
9770 CRI 1717 in cantonese tals in english mixed with CA Metions in CHN and USA S7
6090 Amara state 1723 with HoA song S9
4010 Kirgiz R 1725 talks [news ] in ?? poor audio cant helptoID the language
4625 well known beeper in C+U 1728  with S9
9620 Pakistan? 1731 with progam in arabic  sevela posible mentions of IS that  are unrecognizable due to lang, then quranic program.  I m unsure if this IS is from RPak or AIR thogh i know that RPak has left shortwaves.

729 ERA  1710 with nearly marginal signal S2 //1008 S8 nnot 1512, 1404 under romania
612 Quranic preaches didnt found any other Koran freqs on that time 1710+  purely marginal signal SABS/Bah can be the posible as per mwlist

notice :
HoA :horn of africa region (Eth Sudan)

Πέμπτη 5 Απριλίου 2018

Logs of 31/3 in the east euro holy week .

Using mini  SW lop  adn 1103 to  kill as much QRN from the house and other sourcces
Oour Easter is the end of this week.

9820 CNR 1343  discussions S6
9865 Vid Bharti boly song 1344 short comment
9910  1348 religious like talks in hindi >>TWR in aHIndi lang (BB noted )
7510  3152  talks in korean >>TWR KOrean
7625  1358 korean mixed with english words  fair >>V WIldreness
11630 XJPBS uighur wth news good
11530 Hewat former denge KUrdistan 1406 with talks and string buzz in the carrier around 50-60 Hz
11560 AIR ?  1409 in farsi mnetioning erdigan farda  Air adn then bolly music .local signal
11620 AIR 1414 old bolly song good
11675 CRI  1419 dscussions good
11695 VoA  in viet 1424 talkw  adn a ID  small gaps inbetwen Good
11705 1427 with song wwith song . poor talks in Eng that seems as from RRIn'sia >>NHK RJ
11785 CNR 1432 XInguoYunren Linzhuyi news Good
11815 CRI 1435 in prg in CC and English GOod
11850 RL  1437 in turkmen manh mentions  of turkmen and omenmtioning azatlik (librty ) Goog
11870 AIR ? 1438 boly song storng  >>Veritas
11890 BBC 1442 Eng talks fair
11910 R Romania Intl 1445 in german program spaziergang and sdestructs
12005 Farda 1446 teelphone R  . good signal
15140 Oman 1452 Eng lessons in Ar good
15255 RL 1455  talksin Turkmen //11850 local signal
15265 BVB 1457  Eng ,prg iJesus a miinstry with adessin nidiana USA
11665 RTM -S marginal signal with talks
9155 , 9280 ,9180  ad 11440,  4 SoH carriers with  poor signal and poor audio
9100 VoP korean 1519 under string QRN from N Korea fair