.....using R75 adn 16 m inv now , dont know if someof them are new freqs excpt 11530 Denge Welat [frormer Kurdistan ] adn with fast nontype free typing due to many other more important writin tasks and the autocorectoff in my tablet tha other wise can kill my time
9420 XJPBS 1646 talks S20
9310 Deewa 1649 discussions phone ins S5
4850 XJPBS Ka 1651 tukic songs S7
5060 XJPBS CC 1653 CC song S7
6100 KCBS N Korea 1653 choruses S2only
11780 TWR 1657 S9 lang seems amh mentioning telephones dwonlaods web pages QRM from RFE on 11790 S20+ . 11790 then changed to AWR on 1700 with arabic or arfrican lang that is mixed with many arabic
12155 AM type mod 1703+ with two tines of 500 and 1000 Hz one sec each and arond 2-3 secs of gap with S40 signal 12140 adn 12160 noises replies of ard S4
11530 Denge Kurdistan //7420 with signal S40 !!1706
7420 CRI S4 wit discussions and talks inEng //7330 better signal S7
4930 VoA 1715 with porg inEnglish S5
9820 VoA Kurdish 1722 with ID frm its twitter then with phoeninis discssunions
9730 VoVietnam 1724 in Viet and reports S9
9630 //11630 XJPBS in 1726 Uinghur with S10
12015 CRI in english //7330 with jazz muisc talks and mentions of China , sarikat mantion
15170 AWR? 1738 in french and kabyle as noted (?) buyt in 1735 with arabic talks good.