5200 greek QSO 1500+
7146,5 VoBM 1722 with Horn of africa songs S5
7185.0 VoBM ? 1723 with talks by oman in Tigre 5
9860 CNR 1800 nic CC song S2
9870 SABC 1801 ID and news S3 quite poor
6732U operator 1802 with countdown numbers in Eng s5
9785 VoTurkey 1840 news : investors called to do business in TR S9 max
7120 Somalia 1844 horn of africa song very low modulation
7540 Deewa? 1848 with phone in with laughs mentions of pakistan refering to ingenieur mark then a music filler and sign off.
7485 VoA sing on 1900 signal is S1 mixed with the local qrn not easy to identify the lang which seems as Korean
MWs :
1556.9 Atsidas ??greek pirate 1820 with greek oldies very low signal mixed with another and requirted to use dual If tuners to kill the buzz caused by the LSB
1566 HLAZ? 1829 chants
1493.4 Romania 1835 tad songs. two statios frm Rom mixed with ca 600 Hz diference