Δευτέρα 20 Ιουνίου 2016

Logs for June 20 Monday - public holiday

11700 RFI 0622 talks about Brexit s9
11775 0624  talks in AR 0627 with dance  song S7 >>>>CRI
11800 Romania 0630 IS  prg in Arabic S10
11750 TRT 0631 discussion in TU  S20
11625  VAtican 0632 prg in Eng mentioning revelations .voice of pope  S10
11610  CNR 0633 talks S1
11580 WRMI ToM 0633 man with relig talks S5
11520 EWTN 0634 YL religious talks S5
15255 BBC YL with ID you are listning to BBC  African Voice 0635 S7
15300 RFI Africa 0636 //11700 S20
15420  BBC 0637 with talks S10
15595 vatican radio 0639 Eng mini bus inkabul , ?? killed  talibs were responsible /orthodox sumit in Crete greece S20
15750 IRIB 0642 'ramadan el karim' prg  , mention of mahaliya S7
17485 CRI in Arabic 0644 'modern' arabic pop songs S7
17490 CRI 0700 inEng with news S5
17850 RFI 0715 Afrique Matin S9  digistream  in the freq

Logs for June 19 sunday

9835 RTM-S 1719 S6 nice pop  western song S8
9830 CNR 1 1720 easy  music and talks S6 . FSK in the freq
9850 IRIB 1720 heard on s.off S20
9940 VoA bamar 1721 with talks S9
11540 poss Deewa talks in dari/pushtu and mentions of Afghanistan S10

Logs for tue 14

7505 V martyrs     1014 korean talks seems from live talks S8
7540   1615 talks in hindi and Eng S9 >>Deewa
7565 CNR mixing with RFA and tibetan 1626 back on  30  with RfA  missing  (//9830 for CNR )
7445 1644 prg in Eng mentionin security police BBC?? >>>yes
9940   1725 talks in Bamar S9 >>>VoA
9880 Cairo? 1727with song S10
9780  Deewa 1733 ID and talks in dari or pushtu S7
9770 CRI 1735 talks in Hakka or cantonese  byl YL S9
12120 R pilipinas 1737 heads in English spearated with short tunes S9
15140 Oman?  1741 old arabic song with discussions between OM and YL in Russian S7 max
15245 Xoriyo? 1744HoA song.mixed with VoK in fadaeouts S20 max seems amharic >>>Medrek
15285 Pakuistan?  1750 poor at S3 with songs but garbled audio
15570 vatian R afro  serive 1750  mentioning EEEEF abt Kenya , football participation and gambia S7
15015.6  operator using LSB and talks inENg
15105 RFI Afrique 1800 wth ID and news of the teritory S20
11600 dengue KUrdistan 1803 YL with talks  (news ?)in kurdish lang seems a bit farsi S30
11735 Tanzania 1806 news in English Id then changing to Swahili S20
15190 Inconfidencia 2005 with lengthy IS and frqs S3
15245 RAE ext 2006 with S9 !! airing  tango music .prg  in french

Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2016

Logs for 2/6

Legend R75  & 2 x16 m inv

15010U  talks by OM in italian S2
15070  R marconi 2017 2020 2028 2040 2045   no signal  found
15130 R J /NHK 2018  with discussions S10
15245 VoK 2018 with operas S5
15345 RAE 2020  with tango songs S5
7700 RMI 2114 music  email  on gmail. starwars music ,italian panorama Sognal up to S3 but faded out after 2020
7598 VoTibet 2324 on odd freq with talks in Tibetan .There is a DRM like QRM FOR  CA 8 KHZ  span.