Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Logs for 26 th

684 R R A   1833 in romanian A greek like rythm then ID and news in romanian  signal S7 on 16 H //684
9740 S Kkorea 1841 a jazz song YL mentioning abt chiense diplomacy S10
9525 V o Ins 1847 a sunda pop song S4 16 H
5995 1843 + 51 with rteports and modfe in viatnamese  and mention of Hanoi S4
11680 AWR 1954 with program in arabic S10
9485 talk in tigrinia mention of Jesus and Africa and Nigeria UNIted R Africa HoA song possibly an ID that i didn t catch
11615  RHC? 1904 is marginal with talks in Spanish  S2 max
11670 RHC 1906 prg in arabic but mentions of Cuba !!
6730 CNR 1914 talkin CC S1 max
5925 IRIB 1919 in albanian ,providing web adress S20
5935 IRIB 1921 in french ending program S30
5955 VoV? 1923  Viet song ,a  music that turned nto talks S7 max S3 QRN
9730  RDP ? 1931 DXprogram in PP mentioning Inconfidencia RHC kBS adn many more S7 max
5950 1938 A HOA song S7 max 35222
11615 VoA prg in kirundi mentioning many times abt Rwanda Giga America an BUrundi S7
9420 VoG 1954 with greek songs of60s Just marginal
9425 VoK 2012 in korean withoperas S2 max
9540     2020 in  posibly hausa many mentions of NIgeria and reports s off 2030 >>>RFI hausa
9645 BAndeirantes 2052 in  PP mentioning Maria Bajes and news and Washington post ,a song or jingle on 2055
9860  2125 talks in korean max S3
9445 AIR 2149 Bollly songs prg of 70ss prhg in English S(9
9435 VoA 2201 lang seems Khmer mentions of Pnom Penh S9 >>>eibi yes
9350 WWCR 2  2220 christian  talks inEnglsih
11565 B Stair 2228 pastor with varios talks S1-2 //11580 S10
9450 CNR 2231 "xinwen  he bao zhezayao jiemo"   (external ?news)S7

Κυριακή 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

[and pirata ]Logs 20.2.16

Time  ascending order , R75 2 x 16 m Hor antenna
7310 R700 0756 with prg in French S1 only
6985 pirate 0757 old rocks S1 max later heard talks in german
6070 ## 0758 rock song S1 max
15120 SABC S Arabia  0938  prg in bangla ID S5
15135 CRI 0936 org in Indo with news S5
15150 R Romania INtl 1217 prg schedule in french S7
15795 WWCR 1224 relig taks english S5
17845 Ergo 1223 talks and reports in Solami , Horn of Africa background music S5 max
15120 on 12xx  Nigeria is NOT active
15140 relig 1223 prg in chinese " ai zhen dao..." S2
9930 WHRI 1238 prg in vietnamese 1249 with talks in english S1
11580 TWR 1249 talks in Viet
11560 CNR 1 1255 jammer against ?? [RFA] in tibetan S10
17765 Romania 1256 program scedule and adress info S2
11665 CAiro ?? 1258 buzz audio  S9 just a clock heeard and no modulation after

Band and freq scan Logs 19.2

Time ascending / R75 & 2x 16 H
Notice:  There are some nonfiled info  in these logs . I use my soon to be dead tablet to write and post this material in blogspot with unstable wifi .
9575 Medi 1 2009 aravbisong then YL with talks in AR ,then back to song  buzzer audio S9
4770 ?? 2011 with a  strange type  of quasi digital  modualton  similar to "The buzzer" on 4625 S9
4820 Xizang PBS 2013 with nice soft music S7 mixed with a  digital signal (Stanag?)
4835 Australia 2014 marginal above the local noise
11600 BIafra ?  2016 man with  afro accented  english strong QSB S2 max
11675 2018  talks in English mentioning abt UN commemoration , andJIm Canclo  and restorated Christ S10 45423
15345 RAE 2025 with a  rock song and french program S3-4 max
9700 Cairo ? 2034 a buzzersignal , overloaded and garbled audio not copiable in FM demod  S10
Also 9900 S10 on 2042 with a carrier  but no mod ,
7510  Natl Koera Reform Radio 2037  woman with talk in korean, poor QRM by a  CW carrier on -1 kHz S8
9675 SABC - S Arabia 2036 with   Kuran program in Turkish 2039  ID "bura se  ....R Arabistan " S9
9875 VoKorea  2043 woman  speaking  intensely under severe tears S5 max  Best in USb to  avoid strong QRM  from 9870 S Arabia
9525 VoIns   2048 nice signal of S9 and good modulation , a pop song
4750 CNR 2051 discussions  between man and woman S3 max  ove S1 noise  //4800 @S8
7000 'The buzzer' //4625 max S1
7530  2058  starts with RNZI (?)  intro music after a mins of just carrier . start of the program on 2100 with piano music and man talking in cantonese S10
7200  Akhbar Mufriha 2104 with religious talks in Tachelhit S10
9835 RTM-Sawarak 2106 nice signal of S7 max with malay and western  songs
7730 WRMI 2210 man with talks program seems  having  poor QRM  and sgnal just S3 Also on 7550  with  S5 Is this freq new?
4774.9  ##### 2313 in spanish with talks
7603 VoT  2316 with talks in tibetan S6  QRM from CNR jammer on 7600 S6

Παρασκευή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Field metering -logs 110216

Please donate if you want this listing  to  be active now! They can be sent via Paypal to my email  zliangas at yahoo dot  com

864 TWR Armenia 1727 in turkmen with religious talks. Winning over  "al kuran el karim" from Cairo  max S9  using  the 16 H antenna
First time to listen to  them ! Later the  station could not be heard

15034 Trenton Mil 1746 ID and visibility  resports Marginal
15155 AWR 1749 in amharic with HoA  songs ID by man with religious talks  S10
15825 WWCR 1751 good signal at S9 about procastrination
4765  Tajik radio 1807 with a slow song S7 /4 QRN over a string local buzzer
4010 KIrgiz R 1819 with discussions  in russian , undermodulated S9
4625 "the buzzer "  1818 S9 of S5 of nomod
9715 BVB Australia1830  'good bless you"  ID , emai@bvbroadcasting.org , you have been listenend Newmart Ontario CA S20
9525VoINs 1834 in german ,YL in a childish voice ID ,low qual audio S9
9925 R Pilpinas 1838 idscussions in Tagalog S3
15345RAE 1642 iwth prg in English  with political talks S4
9660 VAtican radio 1958 wit Ave Marias S4 only IS 2000 then prg in English  to Africa
9380 R Algerienne ? 2006 "El Kuran el karim" with religious talks in arabic  with (natural?) bird sounds and 'Ya rasul'   S20
5900  B stair ? 2017 with religious talks S7/S5 QRN
7255 CRI in russian 2021 instad of VoNigeria  S9
6245  VoiRI 2024 in Spanish S5/4 QRN Strong QRM from a ARQ type signal Better at S6-70 on 2035 being in //6295.5 of S2 max
8939U  2027 with news in russian mentions of volgograd ,business 25322 no S 2030 s off

Τετάρτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Logs 9-2

Please  support  this  work by sending your donation  to my account on paypal as zliangas  [at] yahoo  [dot]  com
or by buying my ebook https://www.scribd.com/doc/255015191/Malaysia-25-Years-Survey


using material from Ivo and typed in tablet with external keyboard

15550 Reach Beyond Au 1234 relig prg in English Marginal
15558 VoT 1235 talks by man in tibetan  1236 with music QRM 15560  CNR
15795  p WWCR 1238 prg in russian with christian  program S7
17730  RHC 1241 with L A  song  ID political talks marginal better than  //17580 which has  some local noise
15345  RAE 1244 is marginal also
15225  R Veritas  Asia 1245 with program (talks )in bamar   S4 (kachin is in the list but  is bamar dialect )
15420 poss R F Sarawak 1249 is less than marginal . ONLy the carrier can be copied
11560 CNR 1245 mixed pos with RFA in tibetan which is heard with a  acapella music style whichis a bit stornger than CNR
9470 RFNK talks in korean 1253 S3
9510 p IRIB 1257 mentions of Afganistan  and pakistan many times in pushtu passes 1300 without ID S5 max
17715 IRIB 1300 with news in Indonesian , low modulation  and  sharp audio  S7
9420 & 9935 no ERA  that time !
5905 CRI 1400 with IS and ID in russian , lo mod S5 over S3  local noise
7515 Natl Unity Radio (cland  towards N Korea) 1401 is quite poor this time S2
9960 Furusato no kaze 1435 with talks in Japanese S5 35433

and some MW
963 RIK  1500 with ID and news in greek S4
1413 Vesti FM - Ru via MD 1447 witgh adverts and ID with adress in Moskow S4

Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Logs 7.6.16

Please  support  this  work by sending your donation  to my account on paypal as zliangas  [at] yahoo  [dot]  com
or by buying my ebook https://www.scribd.com/doc/255015191/Malaysia-25-Years-Survey


using material from Ivo and typed in tablet with external keyboard

7310 V o Mongolia  via KalKrekel -D   0801 with   clock , ID  in MOngolian then   news talks in English  S4 max 
7220 ToM? 0804 with religious program in English S20 
6985 pirate  is heard in bwtween pauses of a digital stream on 0808
6070  R242 0809 airing a portuguese -brazilian  song S5
audio is here https://app.box.com/s/lcesfvoci152hjahihoysvzujzswbozr
9420 ERA 0814 with  greek traditional songs S3only
9575 Medi 1 0815 song  'it is a wonderful life' , french talks S7 
9765  RNZI ? 0816  german songs OM in english S4 audio is hre https://app.box.com/s/0e4n5eqz7lfq64yf1m49jote512sykuv

Logs 6.2.16

Please  support  this  work by sending your donation  to my account on paypal as zliangas  [at] yahoo  [dot]  com
or by buying my ebook https://www.scribd.com/doc/255015191/Malaysia-25-Years-Survey


using material from Ivo and typed in tablet with external keyboard 

5980  while lookijng for  Scandinavian weekend radio i odun only TRT in that frequency on1912 . checked for 11690  or 11720  but nothing not even a carrier !  11690 id sominated by a  FSK  signal . later 6170  was also less than marginal 
Turkey dominates 9580 with a strong signal of S10 
6120  TRT  on 1927 with  turkish songs in // 5980  24131
6135  IRIB 1930 in italian . man over music banckground and mentioning Teheran ID  then  with news S20 
5900  B stair 1935 man with religious talks S3 Also //11580 s7 
11600 ToM- Bstair ? 1948 withS5 signal max QSB 2  but no content  is heard 
11625 Vatican R 1950  with Ave Marias  S9 35424 // 6070 on 1959 
11600 unsure  for RBiafra on 2006 but heard music S3-4 max strong QSB 
15190.1 Inconfidencia 1958  heard with a strange song lead by intense  drum plays S5 
4835 ABC Australia 2007 marginal  carrier over local noise 
4800 CNR? 2009 heard a S4 signal for about 40 seconds then  signed off 
6600  VoPeople 2012 has been  heard in the clear together with  6518 and 6348 (Echo of Hope ) till 2025 All of S6 max  signal and  talk programs 
6240 dutch ?pirate 2020  with funny songs  Max S4 
6604  Gander Volmet 2027 with visibility  reports Marginal 
6070 nothing for DARC  on 2031 
5885  RL  to Siberia 2035  in russian S5 only 
9840 KBS  2041  in arabic with  songs S3-4 max 
9490  VoA in French  with business English lessons ID 2043 
11580  WRMI  2045 with strange lounge music ID on 2100  in English then   religious  prg  from ToM S8 
7530 Stream  of Praise as noted in Eibi 2105 in Cantonese with lengthy  talks and  nearly stable signal of S7 
11670  today RHC is the only in the frequency heard on 2113 
7425 VOIRI  2114 in japanese . many mentions of Iran S3 
7300 Akhbar Mufriha 2117 in arabic , mixed with 5th Beethovens  version of Walter Murphy ,then a discussion  between 3 men , inside a ??? S20 

Logs 3.2.16

Please  support  this  work by sending your donation  to my account on paypal as zliangas  [at] yahoo  [dot]  com
or by buying my ebook https://www.scribd.com/doc/255015191/Malaysia-25-Years-Survey

logs in MW  in between two  power chagers  filling hte  band with  noise up to S5 
792 greek pirate 909 1647 withold greek songs Good S9 
963 Cyprus  RIK 1519  with greek songs of 80s  heard too early? S3 
999  ABS Quran el  Karim 1527 man with  quranic chants , carrier  on1000

SW : 
9835 RTM-S 1529   cinta di pantai merdeka  malay ballad song then a english  follows . S5 
6855USB  'lua' or 2  is heard meny times then '9' 1536  ,   carrier includes strong buzzer 
7120 Somalia 1539  undermod-ed ,HOA song 1541 man with talks in arabic and mantioning somalia S7 
7570 VoK 1543 in English  mention of Kim Jong Il . casete  not properly deleted  its previous content and is heard  in under. 
7505 TWR 1544 ID n HIndi  then religious song S10 
4810 Armenia 1546 R yerevan in bad Greek that is not easily coped  Freqs mentioned in the program are 4810 and 69.7 mHz S9 over S3 local QRN 
15120  NIgeria 1553 with a hip hop song called "One Nairobi Obaja"  Off 1600  there was a wandering buzzer that cahngs with  the modulation  
15105 TWR KIrwanda1603 relig program starts with a chant and mentions several times with Jesus S9 max 
11860 Yemen 1610  with arabic song , arabic station underthem  S9 42x22 
7215 XJPBS 1631  with adverts and lengthy discussions S7 //4980 

Text writen  in tablet and external keyboard and posted same way ! 

Logs of 2.2

Please  support  this  work by sending your donation  to my account on paypal as zliangas  [at] yahoo  [dot]  com
or by buying my ebook https://www.scribd.com/doc/255015191/Malaysia-25-Years-Survey

(text edited in my tablet )

using R75  and 2x16  m inV antenna
9840  R Svoboda 1854 with reports S10
7628  1855 QSO in french
6190  BBC 1902 ID S3 only
6170 VoK 1901   heard  a hymn very similar to YMCA's anthem S9 //7570
9525  VoINs 1907 talkn in Indo S9  verey low modulation
11735 Zanzibar 1905  talks in Swahili with news (heard Cuba, ZWE, Islam  )S9
15360  RFI in portuguese  1912 S7
11780  RN amazonas 1918 with rancheros seems  of jingles heared best narrow  band  S1
12050  Dandal KUra 1922 in kanuri  ID  heard many times  mention of NIgeria
9690 REE 1925 political talks in spanish  S4 /over S1 QRN Also on 11530 S5/S1
11670 RHC 1931 heard  better than AIR . program in Creole S3 Audio is here https://app.box.com/s/sjh3bfu2or6xi2uf6rxe6wt2uos2btuf
11915.2 R Gaucha 1942  with prg in portuguese  S1 -2 max QRM 11910 from SABC that time with sermons
11855 Aparecida 1945 seems  news , in brazil-portuguese  Mentioned  Journal di Jordai(?)  which was repeated on 1950  signal S7
9819.4 R 9/7 1954 with religious songs (heard  Jesus )S3 QSB2
11935  ?? 1959 talks in portuguese ,many mentions of CUBA  gong,  short talks then music . Can be  RHC ? R C paranaese and Aparecida is here
15190 Inconfidencia 2006  religious song  ID  jingles  of R I, a playwith  accordeon  2010 A cote da Ora , then a grous singing with a guitar , Some inner buzz from the  tansmission 25333 max S3
15345  RAE  2009 program in French with good signal of S7
9670 NHK 2016 prg in Japanese mentioning Hiroshima tokio . this is discussios between  two men and woman
6985 poss pirate with marginal signal best on 2020 with rave music
729  ERT  again with very low power
1008 1404 1512  ERA are on
1550 RASD 2027  with talks betw man and woman  in Arabic . QRM form 1548  RAI S2-3 max

1368 ??? with prg in english 2030 , mentioning US navy .2038  mentioning  cities from USA and mentioning "organizing work in the mil... king..."
Station separates from  the local pirate with its  high  audio fidelty  There is a audio here https://app.box.com/s/rl3m9tq6rz485c119a0r8hvfpuzlx4bp