11885 XJPBS \ audio https://app.box.com/s/5xgf1sgkjk1de558y240gbrxbucqc4nw
21455 IRIB in CC 1215with local signal
21505 BSKSA in AR 1220 with local signal 43444
17490 CRin in Eng 1222 local signal
17650 CRI 1224 in CC with talks by YL 44444
15040 AIR in bamar 1225 making india program
15825 WWCR 1227 with religious prg fair
15660 CRI Eng heartbeat program , robots replacing humans
9975 TWR 1230 with pop song 1340 fair signal recording is here #20 https://app.box.com/s/h2dcbrpqxge8eytebut45jv6amb0j2ff
9575 CNR instead of Medi 1 meaning Medi 1 is again off . , poor
9930 WHRI 1238 with OM with talks in Eng , relig prg poor rec is here #22 hhttps://app.box.com/s/y5dk8x7568lbpg7102zaw5htl9bkitu4
12095 FEBC 1243 with org in Hmong rec #23 ishttps://app.box.com/s/m3bpzirfy4mcs9f12qfggq4s6n0vau22
12120 FEBA 1245 in ?? Ak/ C-D per Eibi with the change between two languages REC is here #24 https://app.box.com/s/0ctih60ma9jdctsiabu95o686z2dftc1
15450 TRT in ENg about water and sugar in the ottoman techniques . Good
15590 RFNKorea in korean 1256 rec is here #25 https://app.box.com/s/quv70yrs04qp8y58xe903p6gktv1x2vz
9420 ERA is here with poor signal on 1205 At 1300 even lower signal tapped by two stations in XJPBS https://app.box.com/s/sxu812jpghn7pszwsgwn2mnporzpejmp
9870 Vidi Bharti 1349 with old Bolly songs FAir and mixed ALso enxt day on 1146 in clear freq
9690 AIR 1355 with talks in Eng and many refs to India
And sa,mple of Sarawak FM in Litohoron