Δευτέρα 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

LOgs 23-25/9

9830 2000-2004  unknown intruder possibly  Iran testing  for ca 3-4  minutes with very short segments of transmission of ca 30 sec  and signal abt S9+30 . That happens many  times  but with shorter transmitters tests except this one case !
4319  AFN seems  now back 2028  with hip hop song S5
 9745 CNR  2030  with signal S10
9760 IRIB? 2032 prg in Spanish , Quranic verses , QRM from splatter  possibly  Cairo
7205 Omdurman 0343 HoA songs S9 45444
1620 poss Cuba 0348 combating with American  stations  S1
1566  0349 with tals in African lang  S7 on H antenna
1610 0339 with talks in PP  S3
1566 1751 with Italian music possibly Challenger  S5 max /S2 main
846  canibal is very low   leaving the  freq for  a  Russian station on 1752
6210.45  pirate 1900  with Italian operettas , 2054 with Spanish song S5
9565  Marti 2103 wit reports  abt USA /Cuba  S2
9665.7 Marumby  2107  talks abt St?  Paulo  and Brazil  and a web address 2110  wi noticias S4 22422
9745  Kuanghhua is now back ! 2113  with talks in CC  S6

LOgs 26+ 27 /9

More logs
1634.7  unIDEd 0342  seems  airing  orthodox  psalms . Uncealr lang  S2
1570  poor carrier 0345 lang seems Spanish
1566  TWR  0346  in a  African lang , mentions of Cuba S5
10051  Volmet  with  weather forecasts S1 Eibi  shows  Gander CAN this time
9525.9  RRINs 1409  with prg in Indonesian  and news S8/10 (V/H antennas )
1610  Cuban station alone ! 0334  S5 Hor  Antenna
4855  Clube de para 0343 S4
4872   unIDEd 0344 song S7

Logs 30-3 on LItohoro

Logs 30-3 on LItohoro using PL 550 and  mesh antenna
11520  WEWN 0642 ‘givbe me a  drink’  fair
11885 Xinjiang PBS 0648 YL with talks in UI fair 253x3 at 0700+ UNIDed with transmission  in hausa
9505 L V Sudan 0653 with HoA  songs poor
15135 CRI 1022 in ML , web address 1023  fair
15200 TWR 1030 with prg in Sunda , sunda songs immediately after announcement Fair
15120 RFA 1149 in Lao  as per Eibi (sounded as Tai ), tai songs and talk sby YL , mixed  with Jarre’s  music 455x4 ID in English
9830 & 9860 with Chinese operas , CClang and fai signal //15480 poor
9930  WHRI , YL in a  relig prog  in English  Fair 35333
12095 FEBC in MIE as shown in EIbi talks 35433
12005 Farda 1220 ID  R Farda 43333
15490 unIDEd  1230+  in Bamar (HCJB in Rewangi ) with pop song 45434
15040 AIR 1242 with prg  in Bamar 45534
11530 V of Russia per EIbi 1355 via TJK and signal 153x2
11580  TWR 1303 with prg in English 1330 with prg in Viet and eng 25232
11540 RF Chosun  1300 in Korean with talks  35333
9965  RA  1310  talks songs 45444
9510 VoA  via PHL with jazz music  selections 45x44
11550 EWTN prg in Spanish 1353 with many  mentions  of catholic radio , fair
9500  CNR  with prg in Chinese on 1335 , marginal
And on home
6003 unIDed 2116 in Korean, inside noise  tht seems as  north Korean jammer S3
Echo of Hope  as per Eibi

Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Logs on 21-9 using mag loop

Logs on 21-9  using mag loop

11665 AIR?  With hindi  song – seemas as  sinhala  good
9475  R Australia 1555  a song , talks abt celebration fair
11665 RTM with  tribal songs negaraku then off Swak FM  fair
11645 Pyongyang ID in English 1603  operas good //12010 good
11570 Radio Free North Korea prg inkorean  , fair
11510 Denge Kurdistanya  1606  speech and Appaluds mentions of Turkey and Iran
9770 CNR 1626 + mentioning hakka nad poss in Hakka lang good
9750 NHK 1627  discussions   in Jap
9710 CNR 1629 adverts  in CC poor
7295 Traxx 1631 with dance music . sudden power offs  with return of the siganl
7205 Omdurman 1634  talks QRM 7210 & TTY  fair
6260 CVC hindi 1635 YL with religious  talks  providing number 00..77814886  in english . quite good signal for near to HiFi reception!
6180 ?? 1630 talks in eng poor mod 34232 TWN Radio Taiwan Int
6145 firedrake ? 1640  good
9845 CNR 1642  CC talks poor
9870 Vivid Bharti 1654 Hindi  oldies 60s  good . ID 1700
9525 RRI Ins 1710  talks in Sp good
9620 V o Viet? trad  songs 1708 good
9860 CRI? Talks  over music Good
9790 ?? in hindi 1716 YL with musci and phone ins fair
9730 VTV  1720 talks in viet good
6620 Russian  volmet meteo wx fair
6600 Vo People > N Korea head lightly better  than the north korean jammer .same for 6518
6210 pirate 1732  with music , marginal

Τετάρτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Un-logs 13+

Un logs for 13 and  then
All these logs with  1102 and basketena inside the house :
1233  Syria? 2101  with signal  just S2 . I m not sure  if this is the   transmission from RMC as noted in the news as the signal  is very low  but also the language  is now truly Arabic . (it is possibly  Assyrian ) and the transmission starts from  2030 till 2130
1008 1404  1260  1512  are now  the only frequencies from ERA  729  are now  off
1188  Nicolas (greek pirate)  2050   fro Elata  with  oldies and  song dedications Fair
1206  Zavoliaris (= trickery /greek pirate signal S2 on R75 ) also with old  ‘rebetiko’  Fair 
And all remain below with R75
6285 pirate   2135  with  Germanic songs  S2
6210  pirate? 2138  with old  music All  songs played  were of tango style . Found no ID    though was listening for more than 30 minutes signal S4
1440  BBC?  2215  with signal S1 , phone ins , mixed with Arabic station 
5964.72  Klassik FM 1547 with  nice  signal of S7  and songs from  50 era . 1550  with imam preaching
6300 pirate with old pops on 1938  S5
6283 pirate 1939  with dancing songs  S7 -8
6260  CVC  Hindi 1944 YL talking in Hindi , with voice-overs over a Bolywood song
6310 pirate ???1950  with talks signal below S1
6095 Mighty KBC 0907 with ID  S3
9835  is now live still from 1300!!  
9335 RFA  1420talks in Bamar  S7max
6170  RNZI 1435  young girl in a guitar  play . Signal is just S1  ID on 1500
11560  DVB 1442 OM with mentions of Malaysia  S3
9745 now the frequency  is clear  No Bahrain  neither  Kuanghua …..

Πέμπτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Special RTM megahit hour !

RTM Sarawak 9835 on 11/9  was transmitting  big hits on their progam  on 19+ UTC . some of the songs  heard were :
1925 Kau yang istimewa (Aisha . ) 1928 gerimis  mengudang (Slam ), 1936 my heart  Acha , 1939 from Ramli Sarip , 1942  realiti  dan fantasi Crossfire , 1946 kasih awal dan akhir from Jamal , 1958  a top song from rusty blade with J yantzen  as singer, 2002 umpama mimpi dalam impi Damasutra , 2007  advert , 2008  suratan takdir Gersang , 2111  untuk mu selamanya  Visa , 2010 another heard many times  but no title known 

 Signal of the station  was  ca  S9 but gradually  lowered to S3 SINPO  was 35233
Around  2023  VOiRI started  in 9830 severely ‘killing’ their signal  so good reception has been  made after  VOIRI closed :
2138  advert with promo  selawat merdeka  for 16th Sept  and RTM Sarawak
2147  heard an ID as  Wai FM (??) then song  gemilang  from Ella Signal is now S2 ONLY !
2152 QRM started  from VOTurkey
2200 clock ‘time is 6’ (in malay )’salam satu Malaysia’  then with news  

Τρίτη 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Logs 5-9/9/13

Logs 5/9/13
9965  RA 1416 discussions in EE S9
9890 CNR Uighur 1419 with news S9
9745 V of Han 1421 with guitar play talks in CC S7
15850  G Zahal  Hebrew  songs  S5 //6885 S3
9835 RTM Sarawak 1423 too early  today with rhythmic song S3
15120 S S Arabia in Hindi 1424  S9
15300 IRIB in farsi 1427  s off S3
15440 AWR in Hindi ID 1428  S5
15505  Bangladesh Betar 1430 with Hindi  /relig song S3
15525 CNR with adverts against VoT 1430 S7 and s off
15715 AWR  in Burmese 1435 S3
15745 NHK in Hindi S3
9526  RRIns  1450 song S9
11560 DVBurma 1452  talk and phone ins in Bamar S5
11750  SLBC  192x Sinhala with song  S20
9390 R Thailand 1924 ‘this is R Thailand news  S9
11725 RNZI 0656  discussions S7
9690  Tatarstan Awazy 0655 talks in Tatar S4 mentioning  Moscow
15120 Nigeria 0701  news in French S9
15390 CNR 1027 phone ins
11775  Sedaye Zindagi 1517 songs  short  talks YL in slow talks S10
7340 AIR Baluchi ? two  signals co QRMed  with signal S30
5964.7 RTM Klassik FM 1526 with marginal signal . Just audible talks . Old songs on 50s
15150  Dabanga 1534 with  talks by OM in  lang with many mentions of Dabanga 15725 is QRMed  by a carrier  with 1 kHz  tone (jammer?)
9295  TRT  spur 1543  with Turkish songs in //9765 but with only A1 signal
4750 Bangladesh 1556  with talks by OM & YL  in Bangla
4835  Australia 1557 with talks in Eng & pop songs max S4 over S1 QRN
4930  VoA (S Tome )1601 with news Just S1
4920 Australia 1602 is mixed with PBS Xizang (ext service )
4765  Tajik R 1607 seems a speech  with some background noise from people  S5
6675  Volmet in English 1616 with weather news in Eng max S6  Karachi??
6693 Samara (by Eibi ) meteo with temps. Noise from the inside of the room  . Bad modulation  
6518 & 6600  V o People Korea 1620 both at S5 mixed with nose from Pyongyang at a rater severe level
6400  Pyongyg Pangsong 1623 with typical  Korean operettas S9 . 6250 is off
9835 RTM is today mixed  with NHK but RTM  wins by 60% in  signals . S7 33423
1566 AWR 2220 tals in Afro lang S3 in the 16 H antenna
 9505  V of Sudan 0337  with HoA sons
11610 Dabanga 0540 with HoA songs  with S30 // 15400 (S7 but QRMed  by he local   beacon /BPL or what n  earth is that )
11725 RNZI 0541 with news  S7
6513 unIDed  amateur radio  from Russia S1 with garbled AM modulation
9710  RA 0713 OM with sport talks S1-2 //9475 @S5 //15240
9580  no Medi 1
9835  also no RTM Sarawak  today . NO transmission  or very low propagation ??

MW logs :  
666 cadena 3 cataluna 2026 advert from Cora Ella , 'ora 25' , C3C YL and OM with political comments in Sp  sinal 32/13(S- S/N ) 7/10 (v/H antenna )
729 //738  RNE on 2
792 pirate from ??? 21xx in Greece mixed with France   final signal 31/16  S6 total  with rance gaining over Greek pirate 
900 //1431  RAI , songs 2150
9835  RTM is today back with max S7 on 18xx , still on 2213  with S4 

FM : 
90.6  audio relay from a  TV channel . One week  ago airing audio from a mexican soap opera 
93.2 //95.2  a station from FYROM