Πέμπτη 30 Μαΐου 2013

Logs on 29-5...

......but quite short timed except in several instances 
R75+ 16 V a/o H

4950 RN Angola 2032 with talks in PP  S5 QSB 2
4976 Uganda 2033 songs S10  undermoded
5860 Farda //7590 2035 with pop songs 44544
5890 CNR1 //4800 2036 with S10 43433
5930 (Golos Rosii?) 2037 with low audio  and due to high QRN  relatively difficult to understand even language S6  ID  heard but not very clearly on 2100  with immediate sign off
6120 S R DA 2050 head with rather sports  program , as were intense talks similar  to  it , Signal S2 checked to be //11765 though in this freq  SRDA is suppressed by an Arabic lang station
7380 unIDed with very garbled audio on 2053 with S9 signal  A short  sign  off  on 2055  for ca 1 min  and passes   TOH
9745 Bahrain is now 2100 on the clear ! S3 ‘
5915 poss. Zambia  2105  with phone ins (heard  afro spelling ) in vernacular  with S5 max signal  24222due to fast fades
5939.8 (pres) voz Missionaria (per eibi )2110 with talks in Brazilian Portuguese and unclear ID  then 2111  back to talks  S5
6245 pirate 2117 with old pops S9
6305 pirate 2120 with Germanic songs S2
9835 RTM Sarawak  still here on 2120 with nice S8 signal !
11780 R N Amazonas 2132 with S5 signal 24333
4835 Australia in 2132 with S3 Also 4910 on 2133 with S3
4885 R C Para 2132 with signal S3
4915 Macapa & other on 2134 with total signal S3

Τετάρτη 29 Μαΐου 2013

Logs for Mon 27/5

Logs for Mon 27/5
11560 Miraya 0512 with talks in mixed Arabic & English 0513 a hilife song  in English about  harmony S30
13720 EDC 0514 with talks abt  Sudan in Arabic S4 23342
11725 RNZI 0517 with talks abt Sudan  S4 25232
11650 Dabanga 0519 S9 //15400 S7 under DRM
9535 Apsua R 0701 (finally heard!!!!) with IS ID short talks by YL  and song on 0703  S3 
15390 CNR 8 0705 with old jazz songs !!

Logs with mag loop and DE1102
15030 AIR 1053 with song and talks in Eng fair
15390 CNR 8 1057 adverts  good
15825 WWCR  1058  with song 1120 wit rg in Arabic
13830 ??  prg in Tibetan (CNR?)   fair

Logs for Sun 26/5

Logs  for Sun 26/5
12015 V of Mongolia 1458 with music (reminds Chinese )then  with talks in JJ . Under carrier of VoK  that started prg in Russian  ca 1 min after VoM started  prg   S4  for VoM
9677 Talyisistan   or Justice are not received  here or they just stopped transmissions?
15725 Tamazuj 1522 (S10 )//15150 but language is not Arabic . At 1529  with prg from Dabanga
15750    ?? 1550 talks in Farsi and music S5  and poor modulation [bible voice per eibi ]
15680 Vo Hope 1540 with Tamil , YL wi ID  then  relig  Tamil songs  followed S5 max
9965 Nipon no kaze 1542 talks by OM in Korean S7
11650 R Teos 1544 relig with talks in Russian S8 max
7375 V wilderness 1910 talks in Korean by YL S7
9580 on 1953 supposed for RA English but with signal of <1 max
11725 RNZI 2055 with news ID Max signal S4

Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου 2013

Logs 16-22/5

1566  Greek pirate 1823 from  unknown  point with nearly marginal signal  and oldies 
7615  pirate ?? 1844 with old rocks  S4 max but many times below margin 

11665  RTM Sarawak signed off after   national hymn on 1602 same time 9835  was full of QRM from nearby stations 
6245 pirate 1617  OM mentioning his address  on gmail.com Max signal S2 
7295 TRaxx FM 1705 with pop songs 33343

9525.92 VoIN 2058 with song  salutations in Spanish 2100  with prg in French S9 
15045 RAE 2152 with prg in Spanish but low modulation  S7
11500.6  SoH 2114 with talks in  Chinese, and without QRM  till 2124 when CNR 1 jammer started 
9745 Bahrain 2118 is alone in the frequency ! S4-5 
11765  NHK 2122 is QRMing RSDA with S9 signal 
11545  splatter from CNR 2127 being //11630 with max signal S5 

11680 N Korea 2123 with news , north K pronunciation S2 
4949.75 R N Angola 2128 with S5 over local S2 ,25242
5025 Australia ABC 2133 with news in English with 25132 ard S3 Possibly //4835
7615 pirate also there 2137  with dance songs and signal up to S6 
9835  for RTM on 2145 with nice signal S5 , posibly  also on 11665 though signal can be traced only with SSB 
9420 V o Greece with program 'Greek coffee ' on 2147 With signal S20 is one of the very rare cases to listen them so well 
9745 Bahrain again in the clear 2153 with a non-Bollywood song and signal S4 . That possibly means  V kuanghua Han  stopped in SW 
15720 RNZI 2211  with news . Signal is S2 on V antenna while  in horizontal antenna  is S5 

21/5  under very strong local noise 
4557 Ν Korea 1924  talk in north Korean accent  S7 on a S5 local noise 

7850 CHU with  clock tones , FSK  and ID  CHU Canada  signal max 3 

Πέμπτη 16 Μαΐου 2013

Logs for 15-5 LN

Logs 15-5
4750 Bangladesh Betar 2058 with hindi song with ID on 2100  then with news 2130  with mentions about Islam . What is happening and they are operating this time ?? S9
4954.5 greek pirate  with oldies and signal S9  harmonic of 1651.38 of same  signal
4835  R A 2188 with news S5 max
9746.2!!! V Han /Kuanghua 2205 with Chinese songs 2208  with discussions ON 2222 wirth poor modulation . signal S7 . Bahrain  is ‘clear’ on 9745 (after removing the het )If  Taiwan  are to shift is better to shift in lower freq  so that Bahrain to be heard clearer!!
5964.7 RTM Klassik 2218 with talks then music . Poor signal (<S2 )

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2013

Logs on power outage in 12-5

Using 16 horizontal  and DE 1102 

* = s off 
9525 RRI 1842 local signal 
9835 RTM songs 1843  good (S10??)
15000 Italcable poor 
15180 Pilipinas , talks in PL 1847 fair 
9890 a poor signal 1900* 
15850 poor //6885  strong 1857 
7120 Somalia good 1859 , 1900*
15245 Pyongyang 1900 hymn and sog for Kim Jong Il  good 
15345 RHC?? 19074  talks in Spanish fair 
4976 Uganda 1913  good 
4835 Australia 1914  talks 35333

Logs for 11-5

15190 CRI 1045  with CC songs talks in EE S0 
15390  CNR 8 1050  adverts S3 
15825 WWCR 1052 with relig prg in Russian (???) S2 max IS 100015 
13710 EMG?? 1100 with religious program  in Russian but sis nt catch  ID S9 
7688 for Xinxing there is a carrier of S1 max , garbled in case of SSB  reception 
9965 RA 1336 with prg in CC Signal is poor of S2 ,ax 
12095 BLR? RL?? 1340 with talks in ‘Russian’ or possibly Byelorussian with many mentions of BLR ID heard as Mizame radio   S2 max 142x2 
Rec is here : http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/15061601
15340 HCJB Au 1353 with prg in hindi (religious ) S5 max 343x3 At 1400 signal is S2 
11580 TWR  Agana in Korean 1414 giving ID 1415 music by piano , again ID then  s off 
15205 ?? 1425 a Christian station in Eng , with readings from Bible from ‘people’s gospel hour’ with address in Canada and USA  S9+20 1430 with open carrier then signal dropped to S3 only 
12160 ?? 1433 with religious prg in hindi and S9 1435  with religious song . not ID on 1500 as the program pases TOH (TWR hindi per latest  news )
Rec on top of hour : 
7505 Russia in Hindi 1512 with signal peaking  to s2-3 
5964.7 RTM Klassik 1515 with marginal signal and oldies  
7375 V wilderness 1933 OM over piano music S7 better LSb or narrow  band 
11840  on 1940+ supposed for Biafra  but no signal 
5820 for RTE on 1940+ but no signal 
11725  for RNZI 1945 with news and clips from other R/S and signal S9 
6245 pirate 1951 with hip hop songs S3  several unclear IDson 1657 

Nice MW log : 
1044 someone  relaying Studio 3 with  S7 (V) 10 H  signal. Also tested on 1920 and for 16-5 on local night (18+ )

Πέμπτη 9 Μαΐου 2013

Logs for 7/5

Logs for 7/5

7280 +9730 V viet  1802  with program in Spanish  instead of listed German!  Both  at S7

7365 ?? 1903 with talks in Korean Just S2 . quite difficult to hear it  . Eibi shows VoA

7375  V wilderness 1938 with talks by man in Korean  for more than 10 minutes S7

12000 +9800  (thanks to tip from topnews )new CNR frequency  for emergencies on 1953 with discussions . S9 for 12000 and S20  for 9800 ID ed as Zhongguo zhe shen (V of China ie CNR1 )

12015 V o Korea 2000+  with Korean program and signal S9. strong QRM by a harsh noise (harsher than  DRM )

15191.2 Inconfidencia 2005  with songs then ads 2012 with ID and back to songs S1

6885 Galei zahal //15850 on 2113

6400 Korea with S6 . 6250 is vacant  2113

Pirates :

7615 unIDed 2102 with poor signal max S2 man shouting  ABC  etc  a recording  is here :
6245 unIDed  2109  with german songs S2

MW logs
1044   MDR seems leaving  the frequency as  theonly heard was a station  from Spain on just S2
1612 Melanholikos (melancholic  )with oldies 1820  with S9 signal
1584.85 Kastano Agori (brown boy ) 2035  with oldies S3  qmed  by 1584 various natl stations
1630  Delta  with oldies , station  just restarted with low power ! S7 max
1641 Tyrnavos with oldies  S3 low power station
Also 846 , 1035 1286 from Athens !

Πέμπτη 2 Μαΐου 2013

Logs for May 1st 13

Logs for May 1st

This week is the holy week for Greeks . First of May is work off for public sector but normal work day for private sector.

Today propagation is rather week from Asia as shown in the logs below Ther were also some iregualrities on the MW band as before 0930 only the closer stations could be heard . After 0945 I monitored some opening from Algeria on 531 kHz and Hungary on 540

MY most awaited catch:

11610 Sharooqa finally heard !!! 1610 YL with stringed instrument S6-7 Id by OM and echoed (not clear with many talks in AR ) Program seems religious (?? Catholic? )as ?al kitab? was mentioned several times . then HOA songs were aired. Therefore I can suppose that the program is aimed towards Somalia (??) .

Question : I read that Sharooqa means sunrise . Is this station related to R Sunrise of UK? AFAIK in older times was a possibly successful Indian song station .Is far as I can remember it was transmitted on 1458 and via satellite

Below are logs only on shortwave using R75 with 2x16inv V and HF150 with 16 m hor antenna and with the help of DX remix bulletins :

15275 Pakistan 0535 rather poor at S1 mean with S3 while 17830 is just marginal

9677 V Talishistan poor carrier on 0900 but no content !

15400 Kenyalang is blocked (?)by the local FDM like beacons of signal S4

13820 KLL ?Ge 0907 song ?chary chery lady? and signal S3 max . at1057 talks by man in German. on 1100 there was the grman version of ?easy rider?

12105 & 15515 AWR in CC but signals are both marginal Some delay of ca 1 secs (just based on speakers voices!)

15430 RF Sarawak 1118 heard under Romania. Both have same center carrier frq so that someone could suppose that RFS is transmitted together with RRI ! Prg : discussions in Malay . on 1157 tune in found RRI off the freq leaving RFS in the clear with S5 max signal

15720 (S4)and 17720 (S1) Pakistan in Chinese prg with quranic sermons like prg on 1210 . clock (!) then man with news . Both with garbled modulation

12085 AWR via TRM 1242 signal is S1

15390 Atme yatra? 1302 in a Bamar lang S1 only!

11860 V Wilderness 1312 with talks by YL 1316 short music bridges S4

15535 R Cairo (by freq scan veried by DX remix) 1327 with tals in AR then typical Arabic pop song . garbled modulation

7265 HLR on 1333 found with sub-marginal signal (S1 with preamp ! ) 1 sec fades !!

12105 R Dialogue 1616 ID by YL and mentioning on election time Hilife songs in English S10 QRMed by 12110 of S20 signal