9475 R Australia
1520 with signal S7 !! Also 9500 on 2105 with S9 with ID
11665 RTM?? 1734 with music . marginal (S2 with preamp ) //9835 on 1741
11175 A F 1739 encrypted messages S5
7510 FEBA
1745 with HoA songs S9 talks by OM in Silte (per
Eibi )
1089 Vo Russia 1800
with ID in Arabic prg S10
9585 R Tailand
1804 with prg in Thai S9 45544
9825 R Pilipinas 1805 prg in English S7 35223
//11890 S2-3
4960 V oR
1812 with comments program S9 452x2
9900 R F
Sarawak on 1100: no signal here
15720 NT
RNZI 1105 with S1 signal 152x1 with ID
on 1107 with choir /gospel songs S3
max on the 16 H antenna
15540 Kuwait 1115
with prg in Tagalog , news , several IDs and possibly asking for reception
reports (the words spoken in English )
S6 35333
15710 poss
BBC 1119 in Pushtu via Oman
with talks – between two YLs then discussion btw 2 OM Sudden s off 1130
9526 RRI 1445
S3 with pop songs ID in English and Indo S10
7265 HLR
with S4 over S3 QRN
no Kaze 1456 YL spelling numbers and web addresses
in JJ Best in N Band 9945 on 1459 VOA and 9955
15120 V o Nigeria
1502 with news in Eng S10 Drums on 1506 called as Fijin music with program related to this music
. bad modulation with buzzers S10 45544
Afriuca no 1 ?? 1500 and 1510 with
religious prg
15340 RHC?
1546 talk sin SP S3 max