Παρασκευή 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Logs 19/26/12

This time I m typing tyis text in  my works computer and highly  time pressed , pleasfeel free to check  for errors  and vacancies here . MY computer  is this time blocked  by virus and will be back after at last 1  week
Sorry for any errors I cant handle  for the moment


9619.5     R 9/7 the only available BR this time on0455
11725 rnzi 0459    with the birdie IS best 16h only S1       

6885   galei zahal 1710    signal S7 no 15 mHz parallel
15245 V o Korea 0854  with macrches YL with ID in Russian S3-5
9765 RNZI 0845 with jazz song below S1
7265 /??? C U  0850 with talk in german 0853 jazzmusic max s3
15360 RF Kamyalang notie her with  a fant carrier tracebaleonly with SSB
7265  CRI  hindi 1344 with hindi song 1346 talk in hindi and Chinese then lesson of Chinese S7
15525 bangladesh 1401 with just s1 on 1402
Pirates found this time on 6252  S9 6235  and 6305

9835 trasport radio on 1548 in NL with S9  also ID of KBC  S20
Recording here http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/14032080/
17745 SRS 1600 with ID and talks in AR S3
No RFC on 7505

9670 NHK 2134 gym lessons in Jap accompanied by piano S7 max 35222

Possibly pirate on 6210 on 2110

NDR special  xtion with S7  2044 march like

9750  NHK 0957 OM with news (zambia )etc S7 35423
recording here
11945 RA 1005-1030 with discussions and Christmas song  S5 max
9480  if there is any transmission  from EMR  is a marginal signal
15120 RFA  in Lao 1105 with talk in Viet S4

6518 VoP > korea 1838 just above jammer S5
9475  S2 / 9500 S5 R A on 1848 with a guitar  play ON 2020 just S7
4976 welcome back Uganda 1902 with a rocksong , tribal song 03 then news  sometimes mention of Uganda S7  you are listening to …  then with slow song and r/b speaker  is under modulated
Recordings here :
5005  bata is here ! 1909 with L A  song 1911 talks by OM in Sp not 2025
Recording here
11735 tanzania 1915 with hot afro sog “ viva Tanzania!!! “ S20 At 2020 signal seems max to S9 (or is another station? )with an Arabic waltz music and talks in VN 2030 an exotic afro melody
7255  V o N 2113 with a hilife song and Africa  mentioned in talks ‘Sports  of the world ‘  mentioned then ID S20 strong QSB
9665  Pyongyang 2220 OM with  vigorous talks Only S0 Different to 6400

Τρίτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

NDR Christmas program on shortwave

.. on 24/12/12

Here is the listing  of signals based on the posting of

ON 19-21 UTC  :
9850  S4 3512
11720   no
11840 S7  rec on http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/14020505/
11965 S2
13780 nothing

part of the program heard: 1946 with greeting , 2028 with discussions 2044 march like
I tried to steal little from my family time to do this logging

ON 21-22 wehen the conditions  were more loose :
7335 nothing
9490 just  S1
9650 nothing
9735 nothing
11655 is //9490 at 2110 with chants Recording posted  on http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/14020504/

Κυριακή 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Logs 8/12

7265  RMVB 0702 with jazz song . S7  one of the best signals of today 0711  talks in German
15970 Firedrake 0946 with signal S7
15300 IRIB in Dari  with Azeri sounded song on 0954 then with more  clear  afghan songs S5 max
9720 (S1) a harmonic of a pirate 1620 (S20 )
15720 //17700  (synched )R Pakistan 1021 with Bollywood songs Both of S7  but seems diferent fading curve
17895  AIR GOS 1025+ with Hindi pop songs , YL with ID then talks in English 1031 with news . Just S1
10000  Italian time  freq 1034 with  FSK signal , clock , mention in Italian , music then back to same sequence
9800 Sawt LInjila 1846 ID by OM in vern Per Eibi  is Lutheran World in Fulani
11775  ?? 1903 with hymn till 1905 with something like prayer in Arabic S5 QSB 2 Best before 1902
3904.3 pirate 1909 with rock song S4/2 (Signal/QRN )best on 16 inv V antenna
9515 VoA special 1920 with lesson of English S9 on H antenna
5820 RTE 1931 interview with  a politician , mentions of taxes etc 2000 off S10
6060 V of Palestine (?) 1939 OM with speech , then talks abt Palestine , Hamaz an ID as Saw talk Filistin S10
9645.4 Bandeirantes 2008 is marginal . Talks in PP  S0
9695.3 Rio Mar 2017 with a song (?) ended with Maria . talks in PP . Quite undermodulated .S3 max
15191.2 Inconfidencia 2047 with S1 , but IDed  as R Novegio or something similar . then into talks 2051 a song
15345.15 RAE 2052+ discussions in Spanish , a ballad before ToH , clock , Argentina se informa  Signal S3
7480 ORNK 2107 with talks in Korean Marginal
7295 Traxx 2112 song hopelessly devoted to you  S5
7200 Omdurman 2133 OPM singing , S5 poor audio as always !

Logs 7/12

9500  CNR at 0716 talks S1
11725  RNZI with news on 0720 reading news from RA S5
11500 Firedrake at  S2  a tv sounded signal  with  baudot internal coding for ca 1 min and another  digital mode as QRMer
1150 Denge Kurdistan 0733 ID era  denge Kurdistan  with traditional bigpipe play
11870 WEWN?? 0741  phone in  in Spanish (between man and woman ) the na jazz song . WEWN  is shown in my printed list of Mid August  12
11765 and 11815 and 11780  are still on the freq on 0745
12130 ?? lang is Dari? 0807
540 Magyar R 0819 still on the freq with S5/9 (inv V /H )
1129 Libya ? 1426 with Arab folk song (old style )S7
1541 VoRussia  with news on 1431 with S9 At 1515 with S10
7585 ??? in tamil with discussions
4850 Xinjiang PBS 1508 in possibly Kazakh
1730  a pirate  with Russian  pronunciation , possibly Rusian?  S7
1431  Ukraine? ‘sevonie I cornie’ 1516 with many  mention  of Ukraine and UK products S9
1386 Ukraine ? 1523 with talk sin RU /UK Too many mentions of Ukraine and a interview /discussions S5
9835  RTM 1529 with nice songs S9 max (one of the best receptions )  ON 1758  there were two QRMErs from RFI /Russian and ToM of S10 and S20 respectively thoroughly  diminishing RTM
7315 supp TWR LOmwe at 1531 with a signal of S5
15230 (S1)and 15340 (S4 not synch )on 1546  with prg En Havana . Peruviana , 1551  R H C presente informa …
15105  TWR Kirundi with Christian prg and afropop songs
4828 VoZimbabwe 1842 best in USB to avoid QRM  Though S3  the local QRN from possibly DSL makes signal to become unreadable
11775 R Algeriene 1907 after a march , OM with talks in RR with many mentions of Kuran . Then some koranic chanting S9
9780 // 9815 Afia Darfur with prg in AR (checked in synch with 1102 ) with seemingly Oromo  talks ID on 1924
9500  RA 1937 in English with ID and country like songs . Phone in 1946 S9+

Τετάρτη 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Logs of 5-1

Today the propagation was rather awful wit many signals being very low . Many signals esp on 21xx and then were suddenly dropped down and up

12125  unIDed 1634 with HoA songs S2 only . as per Eibi it is FEBA in Guragena
15190 Africa NO1 1641 with choruses and English lang Marginal
9479 WWTW 2138 OM with peaking voice hitting his hand on the table S3-5
9500 R Australia 2143 interview S1 peak 15332 strong QSB
9835 CNR -1 working as Jammer against a station with Tibetan language RFA?? Total signal S10
9890 R Australia 2207 with news in Malay . More mentions of Malaysia  than Indonesia .S5-6 A buzz carrier
9980 Brother Stair 2214 OM with the  known voice from Overcomer Ministry reassign the bible S5 max
9990  same program as 9980(2214)but 9980 has a little delay (ca 1 sec) S5 max  but different fading curve

Logs 4/12/12

7295 XJPBS 1229 with ID in p Mongolian S3  S off 1230
9960 unIDed 1233 with talk in Viet (or Khmer )S2
As per http://www.shortwaveschedule.com/index.php?freq=9960
This is Khmer Post in Cambodian
9920 FEBC manila in Koho (reminds Hmong ) S1
15105.02 Bangladesh 1241  with S3 but strong buzzer . Talks in English
15825 WWCR 1247 booming at with S7 !
7595 R F Chosun per Aoki;s with talks in KR S7
11560 DVB 1439 with talks in Bamar S3
4980 Xinjiang PBS 1459 with adverts S8
15340 RHC 150x ‘Mosas de la revolution’  involving a  theatrical project S4

Logs 2/12/12

9410 Tatarstan Awazy 0635 with patriotic songs
11945 RA (S9 )//15245 (S3)in synch (tested with  1102 ), talk sin 0645
11665  a poor signal on 1032 with pop song . Unsure if this is RTM
15420 R F Sarawak 1034 with OM in Malay ON 1059 signal jumped to S9 !!
Two recordings here :
http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929292/   at 1035
http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929293/    at1058

11885 XJPBS 1046 with talks . At 1049 with adverts  S7
15850 Galei Zahal 1104 still on the band //6885
15010 L discussions by operators in SP  S1  with preamp
9420 XJPBS? 1112 news in Uighur S7

LOGS 1/12/12

9475RA ? 0744 talks and discussions S1 max
1431 UKR? 1550+1610 with talks in RR S9 @ 16H
7315 TWR? 1553 with gospels at 1554 with ID and postal address ‘caixa postal’ S5 At 1556signal S9 from IRIB
11565 ??1609 OM with talks in Korean  music underground , demo speeches S5 @16H 35333
11735  Tanzania 1612 with talk in Swahili (p) 1617 peaches like with amen at the end Talksd by YL 1621 discussions , song etc 1627 music
9500 TWR in Eth  vern >ETH 1639 OM with quite lively  talks motioning also Jesus Christus & amen 1642 with HoA song 1645 flute play S9
9835 RTM 1658 with pop songs till 1704 Short comment by YL then  more songs. Also on 2150 with slow songs Just S1 with preamp this time On 2155 CNR started  with S4
9525.92 Vo Ins in German with talks abt Pyongyang . Strong buzzer S9
11560 Erena? 1728 with signal 2/1 (inv v /hor ) with HoA song , short talks by OL and back to songs
9635 Mali 1738 quite under modulated with S5 . ID talks in Arabic or Arabic derived lang
9314 AIR 2028 Hindi songs ON 2030 with news in English S3/1 QRN . This Akasvani he on 2035  then  talks in Hindi
9535 VoVietnam ? 2051 talk by YL in viet  Passes ToH with talks S9
9745 V Han/ Kuanghua S5-7 vs Brunei S3-4 . V o H with discussions and talks in Mandarin
9765 RDA ? 2140 lively talks  as like football reporting S0 seldom S2
9480 MBR is QRMed by 9479 on 2205
11920 suppose HCJ Kulinaon 2250  This language reminds me Hmong or  Tibetan ! A recording has been uploaded to Mediafire here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9x1vi0m3h2isodq
4895 Mongolia 2305 with signal S7 Audio Uploaded to http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929291/